Introduce My Self
My name is Hermadi
Hermadi ilyas, I am 38 years old and I’m from Indonesia, exactly in Aceh, did you remember when the Tsunami destroyed 2004 ?, that’s where I live.
I’m married with 4 childrens and they are stay with me, we are a great family, my brother, He lives in the great country Dubai and I have no seen he for a long time. I’m having a great’s just me , my wife and my sons.uhhh,, we are very happy.....
I went to Islamic Universty in Aceh and I graduated in 2002, my focus for Islamic regulation law according to Holy Quran and Hadist, I studied lots of different things, but basicly very interesting for me.
These days, my hobbies are pretty much, among other “fishing ”, I like fishing to get a strike fish because it’s one satisfaction. When I’v got a big one we are going to the party with Family, holy god.
I would like to say something about my current job, as a newly started contractor, it may seem very hard to build a relationship , but I will try to find and build it, before I have do nothing in my life, I've heard "life begin at 40”, maybe this is an opportunity for me, I want to choose my own destiny.
Well, in the future I really would love to be able to live some place cold.yeah,,,my white skin is very sensitive to the sun hehehe....
So, I would love to live Ireland or some places really cold, but would they welcome me...?
All right....that’s my profile, nice to meet you and god bless you all
Thank you.
Wecome syeh madi,, hehehehhe
Welcome !! Nice to meet you. Follow each other and come see my blog and vote.
I will upload beautiful pictures and designs myself.
with my pleasure dudu.photograph....
thanks philips93
Hi @mrday "Welcome to steemit"Greetings know,
hopefully by joining you can add insight and knowledge for us all through your useful post :)
hopefully with your presence give a new color in steemit, hopefully with expertise you have can add insight for readers who use steemit account wherever they are. And do not forget, If you are a person who likes to read short stories and a poet lover, you can browse and read on my account at @endatu. There I write it. Thank you, compact greeting always. Best regards steemers 😊
I will do my best for something uses in steemit, thanks @endatu
welcome to steemit.. syech hermadi @mrday.. i wait your post article.. i fun if you have time to platform steemit here...
as soon as possible abunagaya,thnks
Selamat datang di steemit @mrdy. Salam kenal dan semoga sukses selalu.
terimakasih ismadi, senang bisa berkenalan dengan anda
welcome to steemit @mrday, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊
thanks alot devsuraj
Welcome steemit
thanks you......, have a nice day
Welcome to Steemit,
Semoga betah dan berhasil menciptakan keberuntungan di platform ini.
Salam kenal dari Bireuen.
terima kasih, inshaAllah, senang sekali bisa bergabung dan berkenalan dengan rshahputra
Salam kompak, salam sukses bersama, salam digital.
Bersama kita bisa @insanbiasa
terima kasih insanbiasa, semoga sukses selalu buat kita semua