I'm New Here, Can You Point Me To The Nearest R(evol)ution?

Hello World! My name is Michael Heise. I feel like I’m a little late to the party, but it feels good to be on the social media of the future!

I am a peace, freedom and decentralization activist and student of crypto with my roots in the 08 Ron Paul Revolution. It’s been a wild ride that has taken me to different parts of the country, Co-Hosting Adam Vs The Man with Adam Kokesh, starting my own podcast “The Big Plantation”, writing for indie news outlets like Filming Cops, doing man in the street videos on my youtube channel, and organizing events such as the “Philly End The Fed Blockparty” that was sponsored by Nexus, and the Nationwide End the Fed event back in 2012 that happened at every federal reserve bank simultaneously nationwide.

My newest project is the most exciting for me so far; I am the founder of the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus. We are looking to bring the Ron Paul Revolution and it’s related audiences into the LP, as well as a focus on decentralization and increased awareness and promotion of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. We feel with a consistent, principled message that sticks to marketing core libertarian principles of property rights, a non-interventionist foreign policy, self ownership, Austrian economics, freedom of association, market determined money, and incorporating individual empowering solutions like blockchain and nullification moving forward, the Libertarian Party can take the next step forward in spreading the freedom philosophy and making a more free world in the here and now and for our children in the future.

When I am not on the warpath for individual liberty, I work in a law office, am a huge fan of the 76ers (Trust the Process!), boxing, Halo, and Final Fantasy, I’m really a nerd at heart. I hope to climb the highest mountain in the state with my girlfriend Emily this summer and do some traveling.

Welp, that’s a pretty basic rundown on myself. I look forward to witnessing the growth of this great platform and decentralizing the world with you all 😊

Taxation is Theft
War is a Racket
Government is Force
Buy Nexus and Hodl

Ron Paul.jpg Bullhorn Pic.jpg

Gun Control Pic.jpg Parade Pic.jpg

Re(Love)utionize the Libertarian Party w/ the Mises Caucus!
LPMisesCaucus.com | LP Mises Caucus Steemit | LP Mises Caucus FB Group
Libertarian Party Mises Caucus FB Page | Twitter: @lpmisescaucus


Great to see you on here man! :)

Good to see you over here, man! Always great to see more Liberty Caucus, folks who I recognize.

Follow me over @libertylol

I am part of the revolution! Ban vaccines!

I am very happy to see you here,
I really support you.

Welcome @michaelheise, you will be happy that you found this place.
Gaining a following is what most people set out to do. I don't think this works. Just being yourself, and being interested in others is self-rewarding.
If you find a way to be of help to another . . . then you have succeeded on Steem.it. IMHO.

Followed and upvoted.

H. G.

Welcome michaelheise !!!
So glad you started posting and joined steemit ! Can't wait to read more from you.

I've got a lot of ideas for articles, should be fun to get back in the groove of writing :)

Please consider doing a weekly show with Andy "petition" Jacobs of Libertarian Revolution YT channel. He just became a Steemer, too. That interview he did with you in some bar-restaurant flowed smoothly. That show could become the pulse of the LP... In fact, may I suggest you call it:

"The LP Pulse"

With Kokesh stirring things up, having the show air here on steemit will get you both some nice cryptoCurrency rewards. Every dues paying member will want to tune in.

About time! Going to the NJ convention this Saturday to see Scott Horton and scare the SJW libertarians with my Mises Institute propaganda.

Welcome @michaelheise! Heard you on Part of the Problem a few months ago and was really stoked about the Mises Caucus. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help those efforts in PA.

Welcome. I'm glad to see you here. The LP Mises Caucus is a breath of fresh air. I'm looking forward to shaking things up in at the Libertarian National Convention in New Orleans this year.

Always love to see fellow libertarians online!


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