From a miserable addict to one of the Happiest people alive (I am not on a top #list but that's just how I feel) p1

in #introducemyself7 years ago

The World Wide Web is one of the best things that ever happened. after the madness of WW I and II, most of the developed countries start trying to establish themselves as conquerors of this new period. that the world will see on nowadays century. and for third world countries and below they also kept a promise some of them succeeded to beat the odds and be as fresh as those on the top, while some are sinking on their own cage trying to figure where to start.

All of this have brought a whole another careers new lifestyles and adventures. an increased population  that needed to be kept busy, leaving homes to eat the three meals outside, making commute with every kind of transportation you can imagine, taking chances to go off-shore for brighter opportunities. mixing cultures and discovering new tribes with a free mind spirit, changing their state of mind and evolving with nature more than ever. and most of all they have kept creating and inventing as much as they can.

And with the help of the web. all those things got much easier for the individual  to be connected with. I never been to Japan but thanks to bloggers now If I ever visited there I could go with a picture on mind or even a video from Youtube could give me a live glimpse of what I will explore and enjoy. and the opportunity to have a gadget with you that is filled with worldwide knowledge and info's in 24/7 basis, believe me even and god forbid if you have a very low IQ {there is no such thing like that} you still have a chance to sharpen your skills. and be more productive more open minded to get far with your career and build a stable personality, that you could use for the good for you and for those who are surrounding you. 

I used to be a drug addict hitting the rock bottom was like my goal always hanging there. sick of everything, complaining all the time about life and how it supposed to be. not trying to change mine first, but what's worse hurting those who have gave the most of their lives to you wishing that you could live a fulfilled one.

When you become Junkie. living broke is in the package with loneliness depression, and whole lotta features that will either make you switch the wheel to a different side taking all those experiences and trying to establish a wise mentality. or stuck in there leaving demons and whatsoever driving, while you on the backseat puking and throwing your faith your purpose, and wasting an individual that the world needs. not to be a Mahatma Ghandi or a one that will go wild creative like Leonardo da Vinci but at least if you could reach a state where you could be a positive act for your family, and if the kids around they'd be like : "You know what I want to be just like you when I grow up". that's surely is way better than been that human, who snort lines while sipping liquor and blowing blunts like a Hercules  not only earth but like the whole universe is on your shoulder.

We all need help on our lives if not always, we'll sure could use it, let's say once on our lifetime at least. Exactly because when you have those features I've said before the prick on you start growing harder and your ego will be like who they to judge. Imma be what I want be no one can deal with me, how dare them trying to confess on my face that they trying to fix me. Yeah sure that same dude will get you a first class ticket to that backseat, So when you know that and you're on your own admitting quietly to yourself : "Take that hand of help buddy or leave it, you're a mess it's either you fix things or let somebody handle your dirt". but what about reading I could use that. Thanks to Cleveland Clinic and other acts. now I can stay on my own zone away from the anxiety and the fear that the society will notice I'm broke fella who needs and asap action to get himself right. 

Another chapter started. figuring out yourself going deeper trying to solve issues, learning and waking up fresher in every tick of a time. your vision start getting it's own healthy meal playing with your life like a game of puzzle, that piece should be there and the other one I'll put it here. and you start getting that feeling of "what a time to be alive" vibes. your face is quiet happier, your actions and manners, the way you deal with things is more balanced, outsiders will start noticing, those who you own your life to will be grateful the most to see you on that stage. and they will take your word as a big deal, they too will automatically start writing a new script of trust, coding a new portfolio for your majesty and with time they'll burn every piece of the last one. that because you're admitted to reboot and tried to reset things like how they came from the factory, sadly you're not an Ipad or a PC some memories will never be gone. but you could used them as a booster and reminder of where you were and to where you're heading. 

Been in a situation like this. friendship would not be your strong case, you'll switch buddies like socks, some of them they will think that your losing it and you no longer that guy they got impressed with in the first place, others will only help of digging your grave and make sure they'll bury you to rest in, depressed goalless more like a walking dead. and there are those who I call the chill type those are the worst, at least when Tony Soprano and the gang are hanging in the bar looking like some lazy creatures enjoying pretty girls dancing, while they're sipping their drinks owning life like a ring on their fingers, there was a business behind the scenes running on autopilot, that kind of business that got them acting like that. but for those who I am talking about here there was no business. just a bunch of dudes acting like they figured life in an early age, and now what they do is relaxing to the beat, most of them are on their mid twenties and if you see and hear them talk you'll think that your sweet grand-ma still have a strong urge to learn and to cherish life more than them. 

That got me to leave the scene and build me a Myspace and delete my Twitter and Facebook lifestyle hence they are too crowded, unsuitable for my position, I needed a bubble to build a lab on it, where I am the Rat and the Dr. at the same time, working sleepless for hours, meditating and learning how I've got here, filling an imaginable blackboard with hundred of questions letting the new graduate therapist on me take things on his own matter, to deal with it and when he'll get stuck on something, I'll build him a Professor to help him out. 

You'll be thinking why I've talked about the world in the start of this writing, and how is it connected with this topic. the answer is very clear the trouble a Universe will face, It'll be shared with the world and get decreased to a country then from a company to a family, and you too will get your piece of that gigantic trouble, so in a way to deal with it, is to start thinking of yourself as a big corporation. that has more than 1000 employees working non stop, it may sound ridiculous but in fact that's just how it is, I used to look at myself in a normal way, a decent guy who does casual things, but with that strategy, things start coming at my way with no declaration, problems and accidents, diving into troubles and finish saying "why god !! Why me. ". but now things are fixing themselves and I no longer need to get down to the basement and see if the IT guys are doing their job perfectly, cause in my UI things are looking great, costumers who use the new product I've been building, are way satisfied, and if you go deeper with all this tech metaphors you'll guess that bugs are always will find their way to get in, but thanks to my within community, the bad ego and all the pieces of my body that used to complain about everything, now they contribute to me every little thing they see is not right, and my other parts will fix that in no time.

With this new phase, coincidence and accepting things just for the sake of YES, are no longer a rule I live with,  My weeks start looking very repeatable, my table on that downtown coffee shop will be the same when I'll visited it on next Saturday, and if it's full it'll be no problem, because I am already prepared with another plan as a backup, Taking my When's do's and how's very precisely. My sister tells me your routine is annoying me, on my mind I'm like  "believe me I'm happier then ever and If I left things run with no plan I'll get back to the old me, and that will not only annoy you but will hurt you and I believe none of us will deserve to deal with such a thing". so my brand new Sheldon may sound boring and tough with how he choose between things, acting half robot half human. but this just like how when I get used to try a new drug and say "that's the shit". is just how I live now every piece of time I get I am thinking this joint is good I should finish it and grab me a six pack of beers, those beers could be a series on Youtube on how to code, or how to make music, flipping from different forum to another one where people have a whole another mentality than the last one I've been in, never getting tired always there is something that will catch my eyes, and I'll binge the hell out of it, until I feel that I am fulfilled then on to the next one.

Back to the World Wide Web, and Why it is great. Without my access to the net, all of this wouldn't be achievable, I could use a real life therapy or even go to rehab, and get to the library and grab books, to do it the classic way, but I have 100% feeling that it will not be the same journey, I have traveled trough the past two years, because the idea of doing it for me to have in the future and impact for all what surrounds me. is better than dealing with a doctor, who have a list of my lookalikes, he/she will throw a bunch of medicines on my face to replace my last urge of need, no offense to all the doctors out there but this philosophy start growing deeper with me, the believe that people should get back to the old folks mentality, and start dealing with problems themselves. education nowadays is driving the individual to follow one path, have that one career, with that same life expenses plan. while "hier"  people used to explore dozens of fields, some of them we still bring them till this days, because of their genius minds and others they were too living with same state of mind. just there impact was not high enough to be traced in history. but still the main idea is to use all your features. don't be trapped with one vision, you're body is too perfect the more you'll get better of using it the higher your happiness will reach.

To not take this long, wish you've had a nice and healthy read on this post, your up-vote will be appreciated, and a comment will be greater. a heads up if you want more posts from a used to be junkie like me  :)  and surely a review of my writing and if something is not making sense to you. that will give me a heads up, to improve my future posts and plans. and Finally all the best and peace out 

Anas. L                                         


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