introduce my self

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My name is Husnul Barri, I am a student in Malikussaleh University for Fisip and Comunication Sciens course. I alumnus for Misbahul Ulum Boarding School in junior and senior high school, my adrees in Teupin Punti for a big village in Aceh Utara. I will thought you all why me use a "steem" aplication.
The steem aplication have made all of people be activities for write a something when the them idea to upload in this aplication, why them want be a upload a writing for them idea in this aplication? cause after they upload a writing and something for idea of them, after that they get a money. if we know where the come from for that money!! that is get for voting all of people in steem aplication. althought I always promote this aplication for all of student in my university and to all of followers in my social media. that's we must to active for using this aplication in order we get a much many for finished in our writing. I have many friends for using a steem aplication they are, Yaser, Khamil, Reffhi, Fahmi, Zamzami, Asri, Sari, Aris, Riski, Amir, Dody, Agus, Wahyudin and ect.


:) Welcome :)

Welcome to Steemit! Glad to see some new faces!

Hehehe 😊😄thanks for all

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