Introduce My Self/Perkenalan Diri Saya
Aceh Utara, 05 Maret 2018
Introduce My Self / Perkenalan Diri Saya By @gulerampo/Kucing Perantau
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello Steemit,
I started this introductory article by saying basmalah. By saying thanksgiving to Allah SWT. Shalawat and greetings to Rasulullah SAW and friends and to the scholars who always give knowledge to us.
Saya awali artikel perkenalan ini dengan mengucapkan basmalah. Dengan mengucapkan puji syukur kepada Allah SWT. Shalawat dan salam kepada Rasulullah SAW beserta sahabat dan kepada alim ulama yang senantiasa memberikan ilmu kepada kita.
So I can write an article introducing myself and my biodata to Steemit friends all of which I can not mention one by one.
Sehingga saya dapat menuliskan artikel perkenalan diri Saya dan biodata Saya kepada kawan-kawan Steemit semuanya yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu-persatu.

Here's My Biodata :
1. Full Names : Reza Ikhsan Maulana
2. Gender : Male
3. Place of Bird : Mns.Tunong, Aceh Besar
4. Date of Bird : 16 March 1994
5. Job : Technical IT/Programmer
6. Status : Lajang
6. Address : Samudera, North Aceh
7. Hobby : Singing & Games

Education :
- Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe
Concentration Teknik Informatika : 2012/2016
- SMAN 1 Samudera
Concentration IPA : 2009/2012
- SMPN Tanoh Abee : 2006/2009
- SDN Lamkabeu : 2001/2006

Experience :
- SMPN 1 Samudera
Technical IT : 2015/-
- Exxonmobil Oil Indonesia. Inc
EMIT Departement/APO : 2015

Professional Skill :
1. Programming Language :
- C/C++
- MySql
- Java
- Visual Basic/.Net.
- Php
2. Software :
- Microsoft Office
- Linux OS
- Windows OS
- Microtick OS
- Adobe AE
3. Hardware :
- Microcontroller (Arduino, DFRobot, Etc.)
- PC Hardware Repair
- Notebook Hardware Repair
- Network Installation
# My Game :
Mobile Legends
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Follow My Account :
Steemit : @gulerampo/Kucing Perantau
Gmail : [email protected]
Youtube : Reyza Maulana
Thank's To :
Komunitas Steemit Indonesia
Komunitas Steemit Aceh
welcome! Glad to see you here. Hope you dont get as addicted as I am to steemit! ;-)
Haha, I hope steemit set up a rehabilitation site for overdose / addictive steemans, so that the future is more than normal like the song of Peterpan. I have followed you, Thank you for visiting my blog bro.