Introduce my self
Hallo stemian all ..
Let me introduce myself in this @eryyosie account.
My Name is Eryus Mulianda, ST
I live in Blangjruen Aceh Utara.
I work at P3MD as a Technical Engineering Village Assistant
I am married and have a daughter.
I graduated from Civil Engineering University of Malikussaleh.
Previously I had an account @ yosiepdti, but due to my negligence lost password. I was forced to register a new account.
maybe there are friends can help me to find his pass back please guidance.
and also to my senior please guidance in managing the blog in order to create a useful post.
please follow and upvote my account @eryyosie.
Thank you
Hallo stemian semua..
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri di akun @eryyosie ini.
Nama Saya Eryus Mulianda, ST
Saya tinggal Di Blangjruen Aceh Utara.
Saya bekerja di P3MD sebagai Pendamping desa teknik infrastruktur
saya sudah menikah dan memiliki seorang putri.
saya lulusan S1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Malikussaleh.
Sebelumnya saya memiliki akun @yosiepdti, Namun akibat kelalaian saya passwordnya hilang. terpaksa saya harus mendaftar akun baru.
mungkin ada teman-teman bisa membantu saya untuk mencari pass nya kembali saya mohon bimbingannya.
dan juga kepada senior saya mohon bimbingan dalam mengelola blog agar bisa menciptakan postingan yang bermanfaat.
mohon memfollow dan upvote akun saya @eryyosie.
Hai, hello @eryyosie.. Selamat berjumpa di Steemit! Senang melihat anda join di sini.. sudah diupvote yah.. =)
Terimakasih @puncakbukit. Mohon bimbingannya agar bisa lebih baik
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So sorry you lost your previous Steemit account, Eryus. That must have been awful. I'll follow you and visit to comment and upvote to support this new one. Blessings and thanks for sharing.