Introduce : im Elvy, Fashion enthusiast, business and happy Traveling

in #introducemyself7 years ago


Selamat sore Steemian's,,,
Saya Elvy, seorang wanita yang suka bekerja dan menyukai dunia fashion. Saya memiliki sebuah gerai pakaian dan accessories fashion wanita, dan mengelola sebuah lembaga keuangan mikro untuk membantu membangun dan mengembangkan pengusaha kecil, saya sangat senang melihat perkembangan orang lain, apalagi bisa membantu mereka menggapai impiannya, karena motif itulah saya memilih bergabung dalam dunia Steemit.

Seharusnya posting introduce ini saya posting dua hari yang lalu pada 22-02-2018, namun karena kesibukan mengurus rumah tangga dan keterbatasan jaringan sehingga postingan ini bisa dilakukan hari ini.

Good evening Steemian's ,,,

I'm Elvy, a woman who loves to work and loves fashion. I have a women's clothing and accessories outlet, and run a microfinance institution to help build and grow small entrepreneurs, I am very happy to see the development of others, let alone help them achieve their dreams, because that motive I choose to join in the world of Steemit.

Should this post I post two days ago on 22-02-2018, but because of busy housekeeping and network limitations so that this post can be done today.


Saya sering melakukan perjalanan baik sendiri atau bersama keluarga ke berbagai kota diluar dan dalam negeri, untuk menambah koleksi pakaian di gerai butik VieJie Galery, dan terkadang juga untuk mengontrol usaha kecil yang kami bantu.

Sahabat Steemit yang baik,
Saya butuh dukungan dan arahan untuk kemajuan saya di dunia steemit dari Steemian's senior semua, hingga keinginan saya untuk membahagiakan semua orang tercapai.

I often travel either alone or with my family to various cities outside and within the country, to add to the collection of clothing at VieJie Galery's boutique outlet, and sometimes also to control the small business we help.

Steemit's good friend,
I need support and direction for my progress in steemit world from Steemian's senior all, until my desire to make everyone happy is accomplished.

Ikuti dan upvote @elviejie, terima kasih banyak dan salam kenal dari saya, Elvy.


Follow and upvote @elviejie, thank you very much and best regards from me, Elvy.


Wellcome to Steemit world @elviejie

Hello elvy Welcome to this platform... Enjoy here.

Thank you @artemiojr, be friend

Hi Elvy!

Welcome to Steem! I can believe you run two businesses, that's amazing! If you have any questions about Steem please let me know, it can be really confusing so I'm happy to help out.

Hi Elvy! We're very excited to have you here! Please tell us more about your businesses...

You've been featured in The Fresh Five!
It's a daily post designed to help introduce brand new Steemians to the community.

We're all here to help you find new friends and answer any questions you might have.

Here is the link, come say hello:

Welcome to Steem!

Selamat gabung di Steemit @elviejie! Suka melihat anda bergabung di sini.. diupvote ya.. 😋

Welcome to Steemit @elviejie! I think it's amazing how you run your fashion outlet and still find the time to help others with your institution! The world definitely needs more people like you! I wish you all the best in the Steemit world and in your life!

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