Introducemyself - Depression to Luck - Canceled Uni for my Dreams.

Depression to Luck - Canceled Uni for my Dreams.


**My Name is Lukas Janik. **
I am 20 years old and had in the last year the best year ever.
BUT: The last years before that year have been more terrible than ever before. Why ?
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I sing, I started my health based company, I do a lot of sport, I love knowlede, I read.
Topics: Nutrition, Self Development, Brain, Mind, Nutrition, Music, Motivation, Gratitude, Blockchain, AI, Business
My Story:
I was born in a polish family which moved to germany, without any money and without any friends. We never had been unhappy, because my father worked harder than ever to achieve his 2 sons a great school and child experience. (Yes i have a brother).
And it worked: I had an amazing childhood. I had friends, I had a lot of fun, but i never really knew who i really was. I had a real problem with my identity. i tried to look happy and self confidence to the outside, but I was inside never happy.

From the age of 15 it really went harder. I thought i was in love with one of my girlfriends and tried everything to go for a relationship. But i went so hard that it failed. ( Of course it failed, when i look back, i also never would go in a relationship with such a creep like me - yes i really can say that i was a creep, because i was lost)
I saw in the relationship my fullfilment of happiness which i never had.

When even the relationship failed i went into deep depressions. When you are captured in your own thought it really hard to escape from there.
From day to day just more negative thoughts. Everyday, Sometimes i really thought about killing myself. i wouldnt have it done because i just loved my life and family to much. But i really thought of it (Crazy when i look back)

Than it even got worst: My grandma died.
I was even more into negativity and was just a lost soul in the world. With no self confidence and no focus at all.
That was during the time if i graduated from school.

What happend after school ?

I went for one year for work and traveling to Australia. This was the time when everything changed.

In the first 4 months of my year it was really hard to travel. I was not able to speak with people or even look somebody in the eyes. I was happy that i worked in the beginning on a farm, because there were just a few people. Especially during the time of work i could just work and not talk with people.

But one day something changed.
I saw a video on youtube of one Guy talking about self development and negative thoughts.
I was interested and watched the video. It was amazing ! It was like he was speaking out my soul. Every word could come out my mouth. He described all the problems i had and also summed everything up to a reason and also solution for the Problem.
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What was it ?: It was my Mind. My thinking. It was the way, how i saw things.
There where never really big problems in my life. I just made them up in my head. And that was the moment i realized i have to change something.
I had to shift my thinking from negative, to positive.

And this was the day everything begun and made me to the Person i am now. Happier than ever before. Richer in my thoughts and ideas. (Its really unbelievable what the human Mind can Create when we let it be and feed him with the Best Food in form of thoughts and nutrition and sleep)

I started on this day shifting from negative to positive and no it was not easy. It was so hard. Especially in the Beginning. It went just step to step. But i tried to improve everyday. I tried to see things positive. I searched for positivity and i found it. Everyday more.

I was able to speak to people know, I regained my self confidence and i also learned a lot of new things because of the conversations. Its really important to listen what people have to say. Do not try to be against everyone in the world. Try to listen what people have to say. You can help them out. Or he can help you out. Its all about people.

So i improved from time to time more and also found myself back because i tried new things out. I was happy to live. To feel my heart beating and to live in the moment. (Especially in Australia, you can do so much amazing things)

What i also started was to share my skills. I was speaking about my Interests (I never had, because i thought someone do not like it - Bullshit)
I started to sing, to make music, to talk about Nutrition, Started making Sport again, Talked about History and Philosophie, about the Human Brain and its Potential. About everything in what i was interested and what i have learned over the years of listening to people.

Then the Year in Australia finished. I had to fly back to germany. I was happy to see my family and my friends.
But i noticed something.
I changed and the people there not. There where still in there routines and talking about random not interesting stuff. There where just talking negativ. It was just negativ, negativ, negativ, negativ.

I hated it to hear so much Negativity, because i knew the your mind adapts the Worlds of your Umwelt. When you talk neagativ you will become just a negativ person. that is just how it is.

Its important to focus on good things. And that was what i did. I started doing less with my friend and focusing and what i can do good for people.
I had so much knowledge to share and still to share. I want to help people and live my full potential everyday better than yesterday.

I wanted to work in a laboratory searching and fighting against cancer. And applied for university in Biochemistry. I got the place and went studying. But i realized fast that this was nothing for me. I had to much to share and my believes in my self have been to big so ,,just,, work in a laboratory for a few hours and work for others, who are not really interested in helping others and the world, but just getting money for themself.

That realisation brought me know to the point to cancel university and start my own company and share my skills with the society.
I want to help people, share happiness and make the World more Positive. Inform people about their potential. About their possibilities when they do. I want to share the best knowledge which i had given the chance to to learn in the last years.

Its all about the Human Brain and its Neuroplasticity, Personal Development, Nutrition, Meditaition, Motivation, Your Mind, Crypto Currency, AI, Music, Gratitude, Time Hacking, Effectivity and even more.

I never opened my mouth to speak and to do. But know i will.
Lets see where i will be when i keep on having my motivation from know. I dont know it, but i know that i will be in some good place and with the right people, when share positiv.
So to all people who are reading this Post, When you are interested in my Posts and to get daily motivation, i will appreciate it. I share the best topics and knowledge with you

BUT: i do not want negative people here. #nonegativityallowed.

I hope you like my short story. It was not detailed, but i tried to give you a summary of my life until know, so that you can know of whom you are reading this post.
I never will go back in my thinking. Never thinking so much negative again.

I will work, I will hustle until i reach my goals. I want to help the World. I want to make it a better place. Lets see where i will be. Lets start the journey and share positivity and way more.

Lukas Janik

My Daily Routine:

4:30 Wake Up: Gratitude, Jogging, Reading, Meditation, cold Shower, Writing Goals Down, Reading something new About the Brain, Visualizing, Going to the Gym, Starting Work
22:00 Finishing Work: Watching a Video (Motivation, Focus, brain, Goals, Or Something Interesting)
Writing Down my Achievements of the day and my Goals, Gratitude,
22:40/23:00: Sleep

As well i do music, produce and sing.

There is also time for Family and friends.

When you are interested in me you can have a look Here:



@lukasjanik you are an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing your story here. I can relate in many ways. Especially with depression and leaving school to start your own creative ventures. I think you're on an amazing path and I'm so excited for you. The power of the mind is incredible. It's primarily what I write about on my Steemit page.

Would love to hear your thoughts regarding my recent post about true boldness and how to harness it: Be Bold And Mighty Forces Will Come To Your Aid

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