Mu introduction a new member steemit
introduce me a new person in stemit
My name is sariyulisMy friends usually call me yulis I was born in aceh 12/10 / 1991I am the first child of 5 brothers .. I used to go to a kindergarten school.In banda aceh.SD, aceh country 10.SMP. I moved to east aceh so I went to school there, and I am now a Masiswi at malikusaleh University.
If it's small. I am a child who is a crybaby freak if for example I am in friend's jahilin. Therefore my friends most like to make me cock. Stepping on to elementary school my whiny nature and my carpenters are missing and still attached to me.
Meginjak to Sekolah Menegah First the crybaby nature and my little cockroach has started to disappear, But my confidence began to arise. At My Mother School I was a quiet girl. At the time of the class increase I started a little trying to be a confident child and being a talking boy though not so much..
After graduation and I entered Middle School confident I started plasticity. Because in high school there I was taught to talk a lot in public. Despite my shy nature there is little but I try to stay confident.
After I became a student I started to be a little grown. Although the nature of childhood still exists. The unfavorable qualities that exist in me are I can not control my emotions, do not want to blame,
The most difficult to eliminate right now is not being able to control emotions. Because my anger is easily hooked. Although I have tried not to be easily angered but still can not, Karen ends must have my anger peaked
The second is the nature that will not budge, because I always want to be in priority from the others. I always wanted to be number 1 both in my family and my environment. Sometimes my jealousy likes to appear by itself without me knowing it. The jealousy arises when I see the person more than everything what is in me. Forgive us as human beings have their own lack and gratuity. But I do not deny if the envy is indeed in me.
I also include a careless person and I like to forget to put things that I have, for example I always forget to put the key place where the house until finally ilang. Already many items are lost due to my carelessness and forgetfulness. Until finally I always make a small note.
Although I have so many negative traits, I also have many positive traits in my opinion. Although according to others not necessarily positive. I memuliki nature that is not a reproach against people who are always excommunicated or debunked.
According to some of my friends are including people who are loyal friends and do not think of themselves. It's true, because I always think of people whose fate is not as fortunate as me, even though or even if that person ever made me a bad thing. But I do not care that the most important I always do good to everyone. That's all I can samapaikan hopefully my friends can know me. Please be justified me if i am wrong in stemit.folow me @ yulissari.dan vote me.terima kasih.
The truth? You mangle the language so that it is not easy to understand you. From the little I did, you painted a picture of you being a spoilt brat who cannot control his temper. Not someone I want to know. Someone who boasts about his bad points...I'm thinking whether I should break my rule and Mute you.
yes friends