RE: **Introduce yourself dammit!**
Ha Ha! Yes, you're actually right about that! I think in a way I've been observing the world from a very different point of view than I used to have and everyone has a story. Everyone IS a little nuts. Living in my head is a strange place but I think I've learned to accept myself better the way I am now and I don't really care about impressing anyone anymore. I'm just living, like everyone else.
I don't agree that pot is a drug. It's a plant! I don't think the way that I am with drugs and weed is a model for everyone. I just know what has worked and what has NOT worked for me. It's been a process of eliminating all the things that make me feel bad.
Thanks for saying hi Scott! ;-) I'm Shelley. And who hasn't picked their nose or peed in the shower! I just don't make a habit of it LOL!
You nailed it with being ourselves. I have no more filter. It's like I have this deep need to just be the full on me.