'Introduce yourself post'
Not my favorite subject but if steemit says it's kind of a traditional thing here, we are going to do it.
So, let's start with the usual:
I'm Berislav, country is Croatia, and passion is... Well, there are a lot of them to be honest, so I would concentrate on those, rather than going full bio.
I'm lucky (some would also say crazy) to be working what I love. My days consists of various (mostly) creativity driven actions like:
- coaching kids football (soccer)
- recording and editing stuff (I heard some call it videography :)
- photography
- writing
- crypto and chill (chill? not lately)
- shouting 'to the moon' at random people when walking outside :D
- (still only) dreaming of making a full feature film
- dreaming of making a full length documentary... Wait, I did that! :)
- posting stuff on youtube (and right after I finish this post - on dtube
I also sleep, eat and do all those other human things.
Also, my bucket list consist of mostly travel and watch sport events live - so it's not that interesting. And owning a motorbike. I'd also add - to grow hair... But its not gonna happen. I'm pretty much bald. Not a big fan of those horseshoe hairstyle so I regularly cut my hair... and videos :D
My heroes are numerous. The list among many others include (if you like visionaries) Elon Musk and Mate Rimac (google it - watch videos - thank me later), George Carlin, Robin Williams, Terrence Malick, Stanley Kubrick. And my late parents.
Thank you for your time.
Steems guys.
(steems... like a replacement for cheers. Get it?)