hiya, or the birth of the blog of Velveteen, or the introductory writings of I

in #introduce7 years ago

Magical Menopause, Monero, and Mystifying Men
how I woke up as I hit fifty
you see if I was to outline who I am, a necessary ingredient in the recipe of the introductory installment of I, then you dear reader would accuse me on the unlikely event of physical communication of misleading content, however I am told it is vital
I do feel though that before we go on this adventure together in steemland it should be made clear, not for your benefit for it will take you time before you say it, well actually not that long it usually happens within minutes of meeting or communicating with me, but let me put this here so that when you say it I can point out that the very first fact I ever told you about me is that I am different, whatever you are expecting, it's not going to cover it
for the first fifty years of this particular existence I have found myself resentful at the predictable moment each and every person I ever communicated with said I was different, (or weird or kooky etc) you see people expect things from different , they see different as somehow following their concept of what different is, they have their own expectations of people they place in the box labelled 'dont know how to describe this person', people like to label, its comforting, being weird or kooky or mad or whatever other adjective you would like to label me with (people have often gone with the word alternative, someone once said the word unique when trying to describe me and I confess at the time my ego did warm to them, I have since managed to quell it a little , the ego is so insidious though it will sneak up on me when I least expect it, it can be a mistake to think that the ego is not clever) you will soon discover that labels do not stick with me, trying to place me neatly inside a box hasn't worked yet (I have tried,) I have learned to accept it, although I do not agree with giving advice,who am I to give advice? I know nothing, the more I learn the less I know. in this instance I believe it may be of benefit if I suggest you accept it too, Its not as if I haven't tried to get in those boxes: I have, its just none of them fit you know
so here goes;
the first concept I identify with is being devoted mum to four amazing children, so on paper, in officialdom they quote; single mother four children, and I imagine you have already begun to visualise your own image of a single mum with four kids, it will almost but not quite help to say I am fifty two, with these two facts you have a basic box you can start putting me into, good luck with keeping me there, my children amaze me, from the first moment of holding my oldest, a girl now 23 and she is, as with them all, my pride and joy, I was overwhelmed,-it was the first time in my life where I truly felt the world was a good place, full of beauty, wonder,miracles, I felt at peace with the world, with myself,-, and the almost crushing weight of responsibility, I am lucky that four times in my life I have been given this amazing experience, and no this is not going to be a blog of the joys of parenting, the webspace is full of them, just giving a little insight into what being a mum means to me ,though this hardly covers it we run the risk of me writing you a rather tedious and gushing piece of literature longer than war and peace.
The age also; fifty two, in no way reflects how I live my life or appear to others, or how I identify, I have difficulty with the whole concept of time, if anything it would appear either I am enjoying some kind of peter pan complex or time somehow flows?/expands?/is manipulated? in such a way that my mind and body now appear and operate at a much more youthful? level, I actually prefer the concept that my body/mind/soul is now operating at a much more useful and beautiful level however what I get is 'wow youre looking good what have you done?' whether you put this down to my complete overhaul of my entire existence, or the fact that I ignored the doctors and stopped taking their tablets, or that I left behind an truly difficult life and now have an amazing life, or that I changed my whole diet, there are so many factors and all of them played a part, seriously you have to do way more than just detox your body, you have to detox your mind, and then your soul and that all is complicated and hard work, took me three years so far and I have a way to go yet, see there's that time thing again, when going through this last three years the time stretched when it was painful and contracted when it was enjoyable, time is so malleable, and this time has now gone yet the effects of experiences within that time echo through my thoughts and affect my experience of this time now, time is so difficult to quantify really, our efforts at measuring it are pitiful, I have more or less given up on identifying it, decided to just experience it instead
I often have difficulty with focusing on just one direction/dimension, there are so many to go in, I have a particular attraction to rabbit holes, however currently my main driving obsession is crypto, yup I am huge crypto lover, I am not by any means an expert I am still a novice, started researching it last summer, decided I love the concept and around january I ventured into the wonderful world of cryptocurrency (we have hit the 'Monero' bit more on that in another space)
see we are building up a nice little comfortable box for you to have me reside in, we will venture on, I am one of those people that always has a endless stream of animals that need love, at any one time there will be a rescue or simply a friend who needs someone to take a kitten they can no longer keep (that's minirog)
or a war torn mean old moggie that spits at everyone ( that's lord roger)
if I was to tell you the list of all those I have loved then you would have no difficulty in falling asleep dear reader and suffice it to say if an animal needs help, love and a home then despite my rather small home and meager (I consider my life abundant as I do not use the concept of money to measure the quality of my life) fiat funds at the moment, I will take it in, (I do try to rehome but not always successful and many stay)
this is also not a blog about my animals either, so what is it about? well Its just about part of my experience on this level of existence, beginning with the area of my life that was the catalyst (thats the Magical Menopause area more on that in another space) to my adventure of finding who I am, what I am, why I am here, how I beat depression, how I left a life full of abuse (now a single mum remember and yup part of my blog will cover such topics and surviving abuse and recovering from abusive experiences, also coping with and overcoming CPSTD and depression etc so yup we hit the 'Mystifying Men' bit, more on that in another space) found freedom, how freedom isn't always achieved just because you escaped, how I found myself, and others that have helped along the way, how I learned where I was going wrong, where I was going right, where I was stuck, and I will share all that with you if you choose to read and if any of the stuff is helpful to you then that is great, a bonus, but mostly I think I just wanted somewhere to be a voice among many, just somewhere, some little corner of the webspace I can exist in, for a while, add my noise to the cacophony that fills everyday weblife, I am an odd mix, not mad or kooky as such, not that weird, just different, the only reason that others say these things is because they haven't yet met someone like me, I have no real purpose for this blog other than to say hi, this is me and if any of what I share with you is good for you, you find it helpful or interesting or it simply fills a part of your day then that's cool and I experience happiness because I helped someone, I don't stay in boxes well although I will try many just to see if they fit, and I am tentatively dipping my toe in the pool of steemland
I send out with all my energy good frequencies into existence and I wish for harmony for all
I am pleased to make your acquaintance
I am Velveteen
and I hope you have a nice day

many thanks to @jerrybanfield through his youtube channel I learned about steemit and other subjects and I loved his enthusiasm, check him out, thank you jerry

all artwork in this post is original and copyrighted by zuzy1010


logo and other graphics original and copyrighted Velveteen 2018


@beckieg, welcome and congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.02 vote! If you would be so kind to give me a follow in return that would be awesome!

hiya, thank you very much, I appreciate your kindness, I shall go have a look at you now , much respect to you

thank you for your comment, I appreciate your support, respect to you

I love your post. We seem to parallel in a few places from what you mentioned. I hate boxes, unless checking them will get me somewhere LOL. I can't stand labels. I am the weird, awkward, strange. It no longer bothers me. Any of it. I am not designed to fit in a box which is great, since I'm claustrophobic. Call me what you will. I'm learning to be ME.

Even yesterday at a meeting with a placement service. My husband told my worker she didn't understand me that I was 'special' Of course silly me..' Yeah, I'm special Ed' He stopped me and continued to say 'She has an amazing mind, she see things differently than most. Just because she doesn't have a degree doesn't mean she should be counted out. I grinned and shrugged it off, felt a little uncomfortable at that point. One, that fact that my husband said something like that (he's great but very quiet, so the compliments are usually good or ok) So to get this was mind blowing. What was more about this though...he said this to someone else about me. Again just completely taken away.

I'm not quite 50 yet...that's later this year, but I'm close behind :)

I look forward to your musings and opinions and most of all

hiya, thank you very much for such a lovely comment and warm welcome, yours is the first comment I consider real, I appreciate all comments however it is so nice to have someone show a genuine interest and yes I agree with you, there is a good connection between us, I believe strongly in connections, its one of the wonderful things about a place like steemit to meet and connect with another person, that to me is of real value, I also strongly believe that many of us have a real capability to access much more of our intelligence, our minds capacity is amazing , all we lack is someone to show us how, to me the different ways we all access our minds capacity is just that; different, I have an autistic child, I have been lucky enough to experience new ways of looking at life and different ways of utilising experience and intelligence, through my child I have learned so much, they teach me every day, yet on paper my child is labelled autitistic and learning disabled, every time I see it my blood gets a little agitated and I feel resentment, my child is very intelligent, they utilise their intelligence in a different way and they experience sensations differently however I will never label anyone and I do not like the fact that society and especially the nhs confine my child within a a little box on a form labelled autistic please tick here, I accept that my child will always need protecting and supervision but I see that as a shortcoming society places on us as my child is the sweetest and kindest person it is society they have to be kept safe from yet it is them who get labelled, its a subject i could go on for hours about ; the concept of intelligence and societies confines regulating what is perceived as intelligence, i do feel for you and you have my empathy to attend meetings with people who place you in such a situation is difficult and you have my respect, I really dont like meetings and i am very lucky that now my new life has begun there are none to attend, my children and i are safe and that is all i care about, i call it the gas/leccy/food combo ^^ once we had a safe home i knew as long as i had gas electric and food we were good and everything is ok ^^ it is wonderful to meet you and I look forward to many chats , its a lovely feeling to find a friend thank you for being my friend, I appreciate your kindness and love your sense of humour , much respect to you and i wish you a lovely evening ^_^

You are very welcome. I made one decision regarding this platform was to be myself. For better or for worse. I guess I sound genuine, because I try to be. I treat others the way I want to be treated. I comment the same way. I can't stand the 'Good post' only comments. Thank you so much for trying to kiss my butt to try to get me to follow and upvote you. Not happening. I only upvote and follow genuine people. Now if I could find a bot to clear out my followers to do the same LOL It's say when you have 380 followers and maybe 10 react to you in someway. I guess the other 370 are on vacation.

Luckily the meeting is just for better employment, but is designed to help me find work that will work with the PTSD and anxiety. Sadly I'm bad enough to be labeled disabled, but not disabled enough to be disabled. I love our system. Not that I want the label at all, I don't. I just want help getting re-educated to get out of customer service oriented positions. It's horrible I could go work for $2/hr more by working at McDonalds, than staying where I am. It's just my patience with people has grown thin over the years.

Your family is lucky to have someone like you. I know quite a few people with an autistic child and only know 2 have the same feelings you do. They try to be as normal as possible, make allowances for their triggers and take every possible step to educate anyone that tries to label them. It take a strong person to be able to do that. Instinct is to coddle them. As you said you've had to find a new way to look at things. That is the best way to be.

🍸 To new friendships

it was the first time in my life where I truly felt the world was a good place, full of beauty, wonder,miracles, I felt at peace with the world, with myself,-, and the almost crushing weight of responsibility

That is beautiful. I have a 3 year old daughter and she just lights up my world. I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. Don't get discouraged here on Steemit if your post don't get the attention you feel they deserve. It takes time but with dedication, you will get there. Communication is key on Steemit. Writing thoughtful comments on other users post and engaging with the community is what I believe, the best way to gain success. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask at any time! I wish for so much Steemit success to come your way.

greeter volunteer.jpg

hiya, it's lovely to meet you, I have always said my children were the best thing that ever happened to me, each of them has made me a better person and taught me so much I firmly believe that even with my obsession with learning and often researching until my eyes protest that it is my children who are my best teachers, thank you very much for your kind words and support I really appreciate it, you have shown me a warm welcome and being very much an introvert I appreciate that , it's very encouraging to get such nice comments and steemland seems to move at a very fast pace so I am grateful to be noticed for my little corner of curious conversation, I wish for you every success and much good fortune in all your existence, thank you for being my friend and I hope you have a fab day

Velveteen, anyone that starts it's blog with

Magical Menopause, Monero, and Mystifying Men

has my full endorsement!

I enjoyed your flux of conscience and I agree in avoiding labelling at any cost. Your mind is free and a volcano of ideas, hence I'm very curious to see the great things you'll be able to create in this platform. Welcome and see you in each other blog!

Also..allow me to give you this hint:

The @greetersguild is a great community that cares for newbies and helps them. We at @greetersguild genuinely want to see users learn, earn and grow.
Join us and we'll grow together! This is our discord channel.
..And prepare soon for the second round of our great contest, where you can win an upvote forever in every your post by winning @steembasicincome shares.
If you need anything, do not hesitate and contact me..enjoy and keep up the good steemin!

hiya, many thanks for such a lovely comment, I do love words and love playing with them, it's probably a good thing for me to write otherwise I sit there all day practising alliteration all day for no good reason, I am very glad to meet you and very happy you like my meandering musings, I do find the children are simply not impressed with my playful patterns, as you can tell I don't get out much, I love the concept of your greeters guild and followed, I appreciate your support and I know others will, I still have no idea how steemland works I am happy to be here though, some things in life I don't need to know, some times it's just cool it exists,thank you again, much respect to you

Gone back in time lol! Lovely to meet you it's our imperfections that make us perfect :-) I'm 31 from Totnes Devon. There are only about 120 active steemians in the UK so great to make friends 😀🇬🇧👊

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