If libertarians used the same arguments as the illiberal, intersectional left.
The minimum wage was originated and is currently embedded in institutional racism. From the beginning, activism in favor of the minimum wage was organized by white supremacist labor unions in an attempt to keep black people out of the work place. (Fact while being a bad argument)
Socialism is an institution that attempts to function on the backs of slaves and forced labor. Even in mostly ethnically homogenous states socialist have found minorities to oppress, starve, and torture disproportionally. Socialism is an inherently racist system. (Fact while the last sentence is debatable. Actually a relevant argument)
Gun control in the United States has an origin and a long standing history in racism. Post slavery, a great many restrictions on gun ownership were passed with the explicit intention of keeping former slaves and their children and their children's children from having guns. Expansions of gun control are expansions of systemic racism. (Everything is a fact except for the value statement at the end. Still, bad argument)
Public schools have a long history of racism and and segregation of which we should all be aware. We should also be aware that opposition to school choice, particularly in the 60s, was largely driven by public school boards trying to prevent integration from happening. This has left an indelible mark on the institution. (Again, fact, bad argument)
So, why don't libertarians talk like this? I think it's because we see people as individuals and see racism more as an individual problem than as an obscure concept. I personally don't use this language because, in all honesty, I think that every institutional structure and every policy can be traced back to some nefarious origin or motive or practice; so, the arguments are self-defeating.
Bottom line, if the policy that you want to be implemented works and you can prove it, you don't have to fall back on the "original sin" arguments. I can support free markets over socialism because free markets work and socialism doesn't. I don't have to pull a reverse Kendi and call socialism "racist" in response to him calling capitalism "racist" because I'm right and he's wrong. I don't have to go for the low blows.