Starting an Internet Business

in #internet7 years ago


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Best of luck with your ventures,
Lisa M Cope,
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Message # 1

Subject line: Your First Starting An Internet Business Issue

Hello "autoresponder code here",

Welcome to your first issue of Starting An Internet Business. In each
issue of Starting An Internet Business you will learn valuable
information on how you can successfully start your own Internet based
business. In this first issue we are going to talk about some of the basic
things that you need to know about Internet marketing when you are first
getting started.

Internet marketing isn't extremely complicated, but it is also not a
process that anyone can excel at without taking the time to learn more
about the subject.

Business owners who don't know a great deal about Internet
marketing but who wish to implement Internet marketing into their
overall marketing strategy should carefully study the basic principles of
Internet marketing before launching their online marketing campaign.

Fortunately for these business owners there are a variety of options for
learning about Internet marketing. These options may include online
research, reading published books and studying successful Internet
marketing campaigns.

Researching Internet marketing online is one method which can be
used for learning more about this topic. This type of research can be
very informative and can provide the business owner with a great deal
of advice and other information.

However, it can also provide the business owner with a great deal of
misinformation. When researching any subject online it is very
important to note that not all of the information available online is
accurate. This may be due to a variety of factors including content
which is written by those who don't have a great deal of knowledge
about the subject matter as well as content which was written years ago
and is outdated.

This can be frustrating but fortunately business owners can still learn
from the Internet. This just means they should be more cautious about
accepting information as being accurate and may wish to verify the
information they obtain before implementing an Internet marketing

Published books are another valuable resource for learning more about
Internet marketing. There are a variety of books available which focus
on this subject and provide a wealth of useful information. When
selecting a book for use as research material it is important to seek out
a book which received independent reviews which were positive. It is
also important to seek out books which were published recently.

This is important because the Internet marketing industry is evolving
continuously and a book that was published only a few years ago may
be outdated and may lack information on some of the new
developments in the industry. The appeal of using published books to
learn about Internet marketing is you can keep the books on hand for
easy reference when you launch your Internet marketing campaign.

Finally business owners can learn a great deal about Internet marketing
simply by studying successful Internet marketing campaigns. If your
business offers products and services in a particular niche consider
entering relevant terms in popular search engines and studying the
websites of some of the highest ranking businesses.

This can provide you with a great deal of insight into what these
business owners are doing which may be contributing to their success.
Examining everything from their website design to their search engine
optimization strategies and even the content on their website can help
you to determine why they are more successful than you.

You should also consider how they are marketing their website which
may include banner ads, affiliate marketing programs or other types of

Armed with this information you can take the opportunity to implement
changes to your own website and marketing strategy which may help
you to gain a greater degree of success. Care should be taken to not
copy anything directly from your competitors but to rather try to emulate
their degree of success in your own way.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
what Internet marketing is like for beginners.

Thank you again for joining,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 2

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about some of the things that you need to
know about Internet marketing when you are first getting started.
In this issue we are going to talk about what Internet marketing is like
for beginners.

Internet marketing for beginners is somewhat of an oxymoron. This is
because while in theory the concepts behind Internet marketing might
be quite simple, executing effective strategies can be extremely

In fact it can even be tough for those who have experience in the world
of Internet marketing. With this in mind, this newsletter will attempt to
explain the concept of Internet marketing for beginners and will outline
some basic strategies which can help you as a business owner to
launch your own Internet marketing business.

We will cover concepts such as creating a website, placing banner ads,
sending out e-newsletters, orchestrating an email marketing campaign
and optimizing your website for search engines.

One of the most basic steps for starting an Internet marketing business
is to create a website. If you don’t have a website or have a poorly
designed website you should consider creating or re-designing one to
adequately market your products and or services.

If you don't have experience in web design, there are a number of
software packages which make it simple for those with no design
experience to create a functional website. However, hiring a web
designer is worthwhile because they can work to create a website
which is attractive, functional and suitable to your products and series.
They can also help you include more advanced features on your

Banner ads are another popular option for advertising your business on
the Internet. Banner ads are advertisements which typically appear
along the top of a website but it may also include smaller ads in other
locations. Banner ads typically include graphics and text which entice
Internet users to click on the advertisement. Once a user clicks on the
ad, they are directed to your website. This type of advertising can be
very effective when care is taken to place the advertisements on high
traffic websites which attract an audience who may have an interest in
your products.

Sending out e-newsletters, often referred to as ezines can also be a
part of an effective Internet marketing strategy. These are essentially
emails which may contain a variety of information including informative
articles, useful quizzes, relevant advertising or any other information
which is deemed worthwhile for the recipients.

The importance of these newsletters is that they can be used as
marketing tools which are not viewed by the recipients as an
advertisement. One way to do this is to incorporate links or other soft
sale approaches into the copy of the e-newsletters. However, care
should be taken to keep these references minimal so the e-newsletter
isn't viewed as spam.

Email marketing campaigns can be another successful aspect of an
Internet marketing campaign. Email marketing essentially involves
sending out emails to a group of individuals who may be interested in
your products and services. Care should be taken in sending out these
emails to avoid sending emails which are unsolicited and will be
viewed as spam.

One way to do this is to only send out the emails to users who have
requested inclusion on an email mailing list. Another way to do this is to
provide value in the emails as opposed to just including
advertisements. This can be done by offering relevant advice in your
emails and other useful information which may be of interest to the
recipients of the email.

Finally, optimizing your website for search engines is a critical aspect
of an Internet marketing business. Search engines rank websites
according to quality and relevance for particular search terms. Many
Internet users appreciate the effort by search engines and use these
search engines to find the best websites on a particular subject. This
means the Internet users are likely to only visit websites which rank well
with search engines.

Therefore if your website isn't high ranking, you are not likely to
generate a great deal of traffic from Internet users who use search
engines to find relevant websites. Top ranking websites are likely to
obtain the most traffic from search engines and all websites falling on
the first page of the search engine results will likely enjoy some degree
of success in improving their traffic.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
whether or not Internet marketing will work for you?

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 3

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about what Internet marketing is like for
beginners. In this issue we are going to talk about whether or not
Internet marketing will work for you?

This is an extremely difficult question to answer because there are so
many complex factors involved. Specifically they techniques you employ
in your Internet marketing campaign as well as the execution of these
techniques can determine whether or not Internet marketing will work for
your business. Additionally, the likelihood of your target audience using
the Internet and responding to your marketing efforts should also be
considered into the equation. This article will outline the potential for
success in an Internet marketing campaign.

Before making the decision to embark on any Internet marketing
campaign you should carefully consider your target audience. The
Internet is used widely around the world but whether or not members of
your target audience are likely to utilize the Internet to research or
purchase the products or services you sell isn't guaranteed. This is
significant because investing a great deal of time, effort and money into
Internet marketing when your target audience isn't likely to respond to
these efforts isn't worthwhile.

Conducting market research can do a great deal to help you determine
whether or not you should invest in an Internet marketing campaign for
your business. This step is very important because it will give you a
good indication of whether or not you should even begin marketing your
business on the Internet. Hiring a firm specializing in market research is
recommended because they can conduct this research quickly and
efficiently and will likely gain a great deal of valuable information as a
result of their research efforts. If they determine your business can
benefit from an Internet marketing campaign, it is time to start thinking
about how you want to advertise your business online.

Again, seeking the help of professionals can be an extremely
worthwhile investment. If you are not well versed in the industry of
Internet marketing, hiring a firm with a great deal of expertise in this
industry can be very helpful. They can assist you by consulting with you
to determine which marketing strategies will be most effective,
designing advertisements for your campaign, helping you to
orchestrate your Internet marketing campaign and evaluating the results
of marketing efforts to determine which strategies are working and
which are not.

The potential for success with an Internet marketing campaign is
virtually limitless. The success you enjoy is only limited by your ability to
promote your products and services and execute effective marketing
strategies. Some of the marketing strategies you may wish to employ
may include optimizing your website for relevant search terms, placing
links to your website judiciously on the Internet, writing and publishing e-
newsletters and utilizing affiliates to promote your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important
aspects of any Internet marketing campaign. SEO is so important
because it dictates the ranking of your website on popular search
engines. Internet users value these results and are not likely to seek out
websites which don't rank well with search engines. Conversely, high
ranking websites can enjoy a great deal of increased website traffic as
a result of these rankings.

Inbound links to your website are also important in Internet marketing.
Inbound links are links on other websites which direct users to your
website. These links are important in an Internet marketing campaign.
First of all many search engines factor inbound links into their ranking
algorithms which means inbound links can result in higher search
engines rankings. Also, these links can be used directly by website
users to access your website. This means you can gain traffic directly
from these links.

Another way to enjoy a successful Internet marketing campaign is to
orchestrate an affiliate marketing campaign. Affiliates are essentially
website owners who place a banner ad on their website to direct traffic
to your website. Typically, affiliates are only compensated when the
advertisement on their website produces a desired effect such as
enticing the users to click through the advertisement, resulting in a sale
or resulting in another action such as filling out a survey or registering
with your website. Affiliate marketing can not only be highly effective but
it is also cost effective because you only pay the affiliates when they
produce results.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
the importance of knowing your audience when you are marketing

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 4

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about whether or not Internet marketing will
work for you? In this issue we are going to talk about the importance of
knowing your audience when you are marketing online.

Did you know that the Internet reaches a worldwide audience and is
available 24 hours a day?

For this reason more and more potential customers are turning to the
Internet for a variety of reasons including researching products and
services and making purchases. As more and more consumers turn to
the Internet for these reasons, it is important for businesses to establish
an online presence.

This is so important because failure to do so may result in their
competitors gaining an edge over them in competing for sales. While it
is important for business to begin Internet marketing campaigns it is
also important for these same businesses to realize basic advertising
principles still exist and they can't neglect these principles. Most
importantly those who advertise online have to be aware of who their
target audience is and how to reach this audience.

As with any marketing campaign, business owners should do some
market research before they launch their Internet marketing campaign.
Ideally this will involve hiring a research consultant with a great deal of
experience in conducting and evaluating this type of market research.

The results of this research should determine the basic demographical
information for the target audience. The results should also include
information on how to reach this target audience. A business that
can't afford to hire a consultant to conduct this market research
should still make an effort to obtain this information on their own.

This can be done through informal polls of current clients. This
information may not be as comprehensive as the information obtained
in a more formal study but it can still provide a great deal of insight into
the best way to reach the target audience.

Once this information is obtained, it is important to tailor the Internet
marketing campaign to appeal to the target audience. There are a
number of different variables which can be modified to ensure the right
message is reaching the right people in a manner they can understand
and in which they can relate.

Some of the ways in which an Internet marketing campaign can be
tailored in this way include the aesthetics of your website or
advertisements, the wording of your copy and the use of more
advanced design features such as audio and visual or interactive tools.

The aesthetic appeal of a website can greatly contribute to how the
website is viewed by the members of the target audience. A website
which is designed to attract the attention of an older generation with
more conservative tastes should include muted colors, clean design
and conservative graphics.

This will help to ensure the target audience enjoys the website. On the
other hand if you are looking to appeal to a younger audience with
more liberal viewpoints you might chose to design the website with
bold colors, eye catching graphics and creative design features.

The copy you include on your website should also take your target
audience into consideration. Consider the examples of a conservative
and a liberal audience listed above to create a better understanding of
how the copy on your website can appeal to the target audience. When
marketing to a more conservative audience, the copy should be
tailored to use formal language and use facts to back up viewpoints.

However, when you are marketing to a more liberal audience or a
younger audience you can consider using less formal language which
is likely to appeal to the target audience. You can also focus more on
emotion to express viewpoints.

Finally, when a website is created for the purposes of Internet
marketing it is important for the design of the website to appeal to the
target audience. You may wish to include audio and video clips on your
website but these clips should appeal to the target audience.

For example if your website sells skateboards you might consider
incorporating audio clips from punk rock bands as opposed to country
music bands. There may be some skateboarders who enjoy country
music but in general punk rock music more closely represents the
skating culture. Keeping these details in mind is very important for
Internet marketing.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
evaluating the response of your Internet marketing efforts.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 5

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about the importance of knowing your
audience when you are marketing online. In this issue we are going to
talk about evaluating the response of your Internet marketing efforts.

Starting an Internet marketing campaign is only the first step in the
battle. Sure it is a good idea to start an Internet marketing campaign if
members of your target audience are likely to use the Internet to
research or purchase the products you sell or the services you offer but
these marketing efforts may turn out to be a complete waste of time if
you are not diligent about evaluating the response to your Internet

This means each time you implement a change to your marketing
strategy; you should evaluate the results of the change to determine
whether or not it generated a greater profit for you. This is important
because it can help you determine what is working and what isn't
working for you.

Evaluating the response of your Internet marketing can be done in a
number of different ways. Customer surveys and embedded HTML
code are two of the most popular methods of evaluating the
effectiveness of an Internet marketing campaign. Customer surveys can
be as simple or as complex as you like depending on the amount of
feedback you would like to receive.

However, one of the most effective ways to find out how well your
different marketing tactics are working is to include a question asking
the consumer where they first learned about your products or services.
This is important because if you find a great deal of your customers are
learning about your products or services through a particular venue, it is
a good indication this method of advertising is working quite well for

Embedding code into your advertisements for the purpose of receiving
feedback is also a popular method of evaluating the response to your
Internet marketing strategies. Advertisements can be coded so the
business owner receives feedback each time an Internet user clicks
through a particular advertisement. This is useful for letting the business
owner know which of his advertisements are attracting the most

If the business owner is using two different designs for his
advertisements he may discover one design is attracting more
attention than others and may make the decision to convert all of the
advertisements to a more effective style.

Similarly a business owner who is running the same advertisement on
several different websites may discover he is receiving more traffic
from one website than others. He may also discover some websites
are not attracting much attention at all. This would give the business
owner an indication of which advertisements to cancel and which ones
to keep running.

Finally, the response to an Internet marketing campaign can be
evaluated by carefully reviewing website traffic statistics after
implementing changes to the marketing strategy.

This information is useful because an unusual spike in the amount of
website traffic immediately after implementing a stage of the marketing
campaign can provide positive feedback that the change was well
received by potential customers.

While this method of evaluating the response for any Internet marketing
campaign can be effective it is important to note implementing multiple
changes at once will make it difficult to determine which changes were
the most effective. Therefore if you plan to use website traffic as
feedback for how well your marketing strategy is working it is important
to only implement one major change at a time so they can each be
evaluated separately.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
the importance of SEO in Internet marketing.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 6

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about evaluating the response of your Internet
marketing efforts. In this issue we are going to talk about the
importance of SEO in Internet marketing.

If you are already running an Internet marketing campaign or are about
to embark on an Internet marketing campaign, one concept you cannot
afford to skimp on is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is one of
the most popular buzz words in Internet marketing but unfortunately
most Internet marketers simply don't know enough about SEO to
make this strategy work for them. Even those who are knowledgeable
about SEO may have difficulty executing their SEO strategies to
produce the desired effect.

Advertising is a very important part of running any type of business. You
need to advertise to reach new customers and market your products or
services. Whether you run your business online or not you probably
already realize how important it is to advertise but if you are running
your business online you should understand there is a great deal of free
advertising available in the form of optimal search engine rankings.

Well known search engines such as Google rank websites according to
complex algorithms which are designed to determine which websites
are most relevant for particular search terms. Therefore taking the time
and effort to optimize your website for relevant search terms may result
in you being rewarded with high search engine rankings for these

This is important because most Internet users rely heavily on
these rankings. It isn't uncommon for Internet users to only review the
first few results when they search for a particular term. This means if
your website ranks high enough to appear on the first page of the
search results you will likely enjoy increased website traffic. However, if
your website doesn't make it to the first page or even the second page,
it is unlikely you will receive a great deal of website traffic from visitors
who use search engines.

Now that you understand why search engine rankings are so important
you might wonder how to achieve these rankings. The easiest way to
optimize your website is to hire a SEO specialist to do the work for you.
The world of SEO is complex and continually evolving making it difficult
for most business owners who don't specialize in SEO to keep up
with the changes in the industry. Therefore, business owners who
attempt to optimize their website by themselves may have difficulty
keeping up with competitors who hire a SEO consultant to optimize
their website.

The algorithms used by search engines can be rather complex and
include a number of different factors. Some of the common factors in
the equation include keyword density, META tags, titles, inbound links,
website traffic and content.

Keyword density refers to the number of times a particular keyword is
used in the content of your website. The theory behind this concept is
that website which use a keyword often are likely extremely relevant to
that keyword, however, overuse of that keyword may result in penalties
to the website if the search engine deemed the keywords are not being
used appropriately.

META tags are pieces of HTML code which some search engines use
in evaluating the content of a website. Placing keywords in these tags
can be beneficial in some search engines. However, care should be
taken to avoid placing irrelevant keywords in these tags as this may
result in your website being penalized.

Inbound links are also used by some search engines to rank websites.
Inbound links refer to links on other websites which point to your
website. In evaluating the worth of these inbound links, some search
engines consider the rank of the website providing the link to your
website. This means you should ensure the website providing inbound
links to your website are high ranking websites to receive the most
benefit from these links.

Finally, the content on your website can do a great deal to bolster your
search engine rankings. Most SEO firms retain a staff of writers who
are skilled at providing quality content which is also optimized for
relevant keywords. If you hire a SEO firm who doesn't providing
copywriting services you should invest in hiring a professional writer
yourself. This will help to ensure the copy on your website isn't only
valuable to your visitors but also considered valuable to search

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
creating email lists for your online marketing campaigns.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 7

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about the importance of SEO in Internet
marketing. In this issue we are going to talk about creating email lists
for your online marketing campaigns.

When it comes to promoting your business, you should seriously
consider email marketing as at least one tier of your Internet marketing
campaign. Many business owners shy away from email marketing
because they believe all email marketing campaigns are purely spam.

However, this isn't true and not partaking in this type of marketing can
cause your business to lose out on a great deal of business. By not
appealing to potential customers via email, your business may lose a
great deal of business to competitors who are using email marketing
campaigns to reach customers around the world.

The first step of an email marketing campaign should be creating an
email distribution list. In this issue will discuss some popular options for
doing this and should help to the reader to learn more about what is
acceptable and what isn't when it comes to email marketing.

Once you have made the decision to start using email marketing to
promote your business you are likely facing the dilemma of compiling
an email distribution list. This is essentially a list of email addresses to
which you will email your advertising and promotional materials. One
common way to gain a list of email addresses is to purchase a list from

However, this method isn't very effective at all and I don't
recommend it. The problem with purchasing an email list if you have
no way of knowing whether or not the members of the list would have
any interest at all in your products or services. This is very important
because while you want to reach a large audience with your email
marketing you also want this audience to be members of your overall
target audience.

When you purchase an email list you may be sending your email
messages to some users who might be interested but this is largely
coincidental and isn't likely to be well received because the message
was not solicited.

Internet users are very quick to delete materials they believe to be
spam without even opening or reading the emails. In fact some Internet
service providers include spam filters which may automatically delete
your emails if your messages are deemed to be spam. These filters run
complex algorithms on the subject heading and content of the message
to determine whether or not it is spam and are quite adept at weeding
out spam. Therefore you run the risk of having your email marketing
effort turn out to be a complete waste if the majority of recipients never
even read or receive the message.

A far better way to create an email distribution list for your email
marketing campaign is to ask current customers as well as interested
potential customers to register with your website to receive additional
information and periodic updates about your products and services as
well as other information which might be of interest to them.

This provides you with a database of email addresses from current
customers as well as potential customers who have a genuine interest
in your products and services and who are interested in learning more
about these products and services.

Once you have a list of interested customers or potential customers you
can send emails or create e-newsletter for distribution to the members
of your email list. These documents should contain a wealth of valuable
information as well as a soft sell pitch for your products and services.
This information will be valued by the readers and may help to
persuade them to try your products and services.

You might also want to include useful links to either your website as well
as other websites which may be of interest to your readers. Your
content should also contain a portion which urges the reader to take a
specific action such as making a purchase or at least investigating a
product further.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
what spam is and how it can affect your business.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 8

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about creating email lists for your online
marketing campaigns. In this issue we are going to talk about what
spam is and how it can affect your business.

Savvy business owners who take advantage of Internet marketing
realize there is a fine line between marketing and spam and
orchestrate their marketing campaigns to gain the maximum amount of
exposure without running the risk of being viewed as spam.

The definition of spam is open to interpretation but most people agree
on the fact that spam is equivalent to junk mail you receive at your
residence. In general spam is unsolicited emails which are part of an
advertising campaign. The term spam can also apply to message
board postings which are posted solely for advertising purposes. This
article will examine the differences between effective Internet marketing
and spam.

First we will consider the use of message boards for the purpose of
Internet marketing. Message boards are essentially online meetings
places for Internet users who share a particular interest to exchange
idea, ask or answer questions or just socialize. These message boards
allow users to register and post messages. Most message boards
have asset of guidelines which the users must follow when making

These guidelines may vary widely with some being very strict about
acceptable content and others not being nearly as strict. It is important
to follow these guidelines because failure to do so may result in the
moderators deleting your account and other members not paying much
attention to your posts.

Message boards are ideal for Internet marketing because they can
provide a business owner with access to a specialized target
audience. If you are in the business for finding jobs for employees who
wish to telecommute, you might join a message board dedicated to
working from home to find members who may be interested in your

Here you may learn a great deal about the concerns of your target
audience. You can also take the opportunity to post links to your
website when appropriate and in accordance with the message board

This is considered to be smart Internet marketing. However, if you opt
to respond to each and every post with a link to your website even when
it is not relevant and do not offer comments of value to other members,
they are likely to view your posts as spam. This can be damaging
because these members may opt to avoid your website even if they
have a need for your services.

E-newsletters, often referred to as ezines are one area of Internet
marketing which is most likely to be viewed as spam if not done
properly. Most Internet users to not appreciate unsolicited emails
especially when these emails do not pertain to a subject that interests

This is often the case when business owners buy email lists and send
their advertisements to everyone on the list. This is not effective
because you are not likely to reach a large population of your target
audience. Additionally, recipients of the email may block your email
address so future communications are automatically sent to a spam

Some recipients may even report you to their Internet service provider
who may investigate the claim that you are a spammer. A better way to
approach the concept of email marketing is to only send e-newsletters
and advertisements to past customers who have specifically asked to
receive such emails and potential customers who have requested
additional information.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
using a website to effectively market your business.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 9

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about what spam is and how it can affect
your business. In this issue we are going to talk about using a website
to effectively market your business.

There are many different ways to advertise your business on the
Internet. Placing banner ads, orchestrating an email marketing
campaign and tactfully mentioning your business on industry related
forums and message boards are just a few of the popular options for
Internet marketing.

Another Internet marketing strategy involves creating and advertising a
website to promote your business. You can use your website in a
number of ways. Some of these ways include providing more
information about your business and the products or services you
offer, letting potential customers know how to reach you and even
selling your products and services via the website.

In this issue I will highlight the advantages of using a website to market
your business and will outline some of the ways the website can be

One great advantage to using a website to market your business on the
Internet is that you can place descriptions and photos of the products or
services your business offers. This is important because many
consumers use the Internet when researching products and services.
Having an online presence gives your business an advantage over the
competition because consumers are much more likely to select your
products or services over the products and services offered by your
competitors who do not advertise online.

Another advantage to marketing your business on a website is you can
use the website to not only market but also sell your products directly.
Again this can give you an edge over the direct competition.
Consumers who use the Internet to research products and services are
often very anxious to make their purchases and they would be more
inclined to select a retailer or service providers who offer the
opportunity to purchase products or services online over a retailer or
service provider who only allows for purchase in a store or via phone.

Still another advantage to using a website to market your business is
the ability to reach a large, worldwide audience. The Internet essentially
knows no boundaries and advertising on a website means the
business owner can reach competitors around the world instead of
being limited to their general location. Advertising via other medium
such as television, radio and the print media is somewhat limited and
may only reach potential customers in a relatively small geographic

Another advantage to using a website to market your business is the
Internet is available 24 hours a day around the world. This essentially
offers you a storefront which is open 24 hours a day. While your
competitors may be limited to their regular business hours, your
website will enable you to reach your customers at any hour of the day.

This is especially important for reaching potential customers in other
time zones and for reach customers in your own area who are simply
too busy to shop for products or services like the ones you offer during
regular business hours. Many potential customers work long hours and
appreciate the ability to research and shop online after hours.

One final advantage to using a website to market your business is you
can actually generate a profit from your website in other ways than
through sales to customers. You can also use your website to generate
income by selling advertising space to other business owners who are
marketing their own products and services on the Internet.

However, care should be taken when advertising on your website. First
of all you should not sell advertising space to direct competitors. This is
important because this may cause you to lose potential business if
potential customers opt to purchase product or services from
competitors who advertise on your website.

An ideal advertiser is one who offers products and services which do
not directly compete with your own products or services but would be of
interest to your potential customers. You should also take care not to
place too many advertisements on your website. This is important
because too many advertisements may detract from your business and
may cause you to lose potential customers.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
using content on your website to your advantage.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 10

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about using a website to effectively market
your business. In this issue we are going to talk about using content on
your website to your advantage.

The content on your website is invaluable for a number of reasons. First
of all it gives visitors to your website their first impression of your
business and the products and services you offer. Additionally, well
written content can be instrumental in selling your products and services
to your potential customers.

Finally, the content on your website can influence the size of the target
audience you are able to reach by helping to improve your search
engine rankings. With your content capable of doing so much, it is clear
you should be hiring a professional content writer to assist you writing
the copy for your website. This article will delve deeper into the
importance of providing accurate, concise and informative content on
your website when you are marketing online.

One of the most basic reasons why the quality of the content on your
website is so important is because visitors to your website will likely
form their initial opinions of your website based on the content on your
website. If the copy is poorly written, doesn't hold the visitors attention
and doesn't promote your products and services well visitors are likely
to exit your website without making a purchase.

On the other hand, if the copy on your website is well written, engages
the reader and promotes the products and services you offer the visitor
is more likely to investigate the website further to learn more about the
products and services and may make a purchase. The content of your
website will be one of the aspects of the website which is first noticed
by visitors so it is important for this content to be well written.

Well written sales copy can also be very persuasive and may compel
visitors to the website to purchase the products or services offered on
the website. This is important especially if the main purpose of the
website is to sell the products or services. The sales copy should
accurately describe the products or services offered, stress the
importance of these products and services and compel the visitor to
make a purchase. All of this should be done without appearing to be
blatantly advertising the products and services.

Writing this type of copy can be quite complicated and typically
requires hiring a sales copywriter who is experienced and skilled at
writing this type of informative and persuasive content. Sales copy
written by an amateur or an inexperienced writer will not likely be as
effective as copy written by a professional with a great deal of
experience in Internet marketing.

Finally the content on your website is very important because it can
greatly influence your search engine rankings. This is critical because
high search engine rankings help your business to reach a
considerably larger audience.

As we have discussed before, Internet users are typically looking for
information quickly and want immediate results to their inquiries.

Search engines understand this profile and write complicated
algorithms which help them to supply the most relevant websites when
a user searches for a particular word or phrase. This is important to
business owners because Internet users realize the value of search
engines and are likely to only visit websites which rank well in the
search engines. This includes websites which rank on the first page or
two of search results.

Your business might sell football jerseys and you may have a well
designed website, a superior inventory and excellent prices but if your
website doesn't rank well in search engines you are missing out on a
great deal of free advertising. If your website lands on the third page or
lower most visitors who search for relevant terms will not likely visit your
website because they will have found what they were looking for on
earlier pages.

This is where the content on your website becomes important.
Websites containing content which has been optimized for particular
keywords will likely rank well with search engines. Hiring a writer skilled
in writing optimized content can help to improve your search engine
rankings so you can reach more potential customers.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
using online courses to increase your response rates.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 11

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about using content on your website to your
advantage. In this issue we are going to talk about using online courses
to increase your response rates.

Online courses, or email courses are a very popular way to promote
your products and services. These courses essentially include short
online presentation or emails which include insightful information on a
particular subject.

These courses are usually offered in multiple, short segments to keep
the students interested in the topic. This type of advertising serves a
useful purpose and many of the participants do not even realize they
are being subjected to a marketing campaign. This article will discuss
creating and distributing an online or email course for the purposes of
advertising your business.

The creation of an online course of an email course should begin with a
solid idea for a series of educational articles which pertain to your
business and will be of interest to your potential customers. Educational
email courses can sometimes be sold for profit themselves but if you
are interested in using the courses as marketing tools you will most
likely be offering these courses free of charge in an effort to entice
potential customers to purchase your products or services.

Determining the topic of your courses is very important because it can
dictate the success of your marketing effort. Consider an online retailer
of running shoes. This business owner may want to develop a series of
email courses on subjects such as training for a marathon, preventing
injuries, increasing speed and running for fun. Each of these courses
may contain a few segments which offer different perspectives on the

These courses are ideal for this business because they are
subjects which are likely to be of interest to the customers of the
business. Likewise a real estate agent may opt to offer email courses
on subjects such as understanding mortgage options, finding a lender
or house hunting. Again these are all subjects which are likely to be of
interest to the real estate agents clients.

The distribution list for your online or email courses should mostly
include members of your target audience. This can be achieved by
either offering the course as a download online where only interested
Internet users will partake in the course or only emailing the course to
recipients who have specifically expressed an interest in receiving
more information about your products and services and have submitted
their email address for this purpose.

Once you decide on a subject for your online or email course, seek out
a qualified writer to create the content for your online or email course.
This will help to give your copy a more professional appearance. The
writer can assist you by creating copy which is informative and useful to
your readers but is also well written, clear, concise and easy to

If your niche topic is highly specialized you might have to provide the
writer with product information as well as research materials to ensure
the content is informative and accurate. Additionally, you should review
the content once it is completed to verify the accuracy.

When distributing your email course or launching your online course, it
is helpful to request feedback from the users as the conclusion of the
course. This is completely voluntary but when users respond they can
provide you with useful feedback which will be extremely helpful if you
intend to launch a similar marketing campaign in the future.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
using affiliate marketing to promote your business.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 12

subject line: Starting An Internet Business

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about using online courses to increase your
response rates. In this issue we are going to talk about using affiliate
marketing to promote your business.

Even if you are already using the Internet to market your business, you
should consider adding affiliate marketing to you Internet marketing
campaign. Affiliate marketing, when done right, can yield a great deal
of positive results for your business.

Furthermore, even when affiliate marketing is not done right, it will not
likely be financially detrimental to the business. This is because affiliate
marketing is essentially an advertising program in which you only pay
the affiliates when their marketing efforts yield financial results for your
business. This article will take a look at affiliate marketing and explain
how it works and how you can maximize the benefits of affiliate

Affiliate marketing essentially involves having website owners, known
as affiliates, post advertisements for your website on their own website.
Affiliate advertisements encourage visitors to click on the link and visit
your website. The advertisements are specially coded to allow you to
determine how many visitors enter your website through this

Unlike other types of Internet advertising where the business owner
pays for the opportunity to place the advertisement on the website, an
affiliate program doesn't work this way. Instead the affiliate is paid
when the advertisement yields a desired result.

Affiliate advertisement can work on a pay per impression, pay per click,
pay per lead or pay per sale basis. Pay per impression means the
affiliate earns a profit each time the affiliate advertisement is served.

This means for each unique visitor who views the advertisement the
affiliate is given a predetermined amount of money. This amount will
depend on a number of factors and will be agreed upon by the
business owner and the affiliate before the advertisements begin
appearing on the affiliate’s website.

Pay per click programs reward the affiliate each time a visit clicks
through the advertisement. Pay per lead programs reward the affiliate
when a visitor not only clicks on the advertisement but also performs a
desired action such as filling out a survey or registering with the

Pay per sale programs reward the affiliate each time a visitor clicks
through the advertisement on the affiliate’s website and also makes a
purchase during this visit. The compensation plans associated with
affiliate programs are so desirable because the business owner can
have a number of affiliates and they only have to pay these affiliates if
the advertising on the affiliate’s website is effective.

Affiliate marketing doesn't always work. When seeking out affiliates it
is important to look for a number of different factors. An affiliate with a
great deal of experience, a website with high traffic and a proven track
record for producing positive results will likely be a good choice for an
affiliate marketing program. These affiliates rely on their advertising
knowledge to promote the businesses and do not necessarily have to
understand the business they are promoting.

Another excellent choice for affiliate marketing is to select another
business that is closely related to your own business but doesn't
compete with your business.

This is a good idea because they may share your target audience and
their website visitors will also likely be interested in visiting your
website as well. For example if you sell running shoes you may wish to
run an affiliate marketing campaign on a website that promotes road
races such as marathons, half marathons, 10Ks and 5Ks. This website
doesn't directly compete with your business but they are likely to
attract an audience that would be interested in and have a need for your
products or services.

Deciding whether or not to implement an affiliate marketing campaign
is easy. As we previously mentioned there is very little risk in this type
of campaign so it is worthwhile in just about any situation. A more
important decision to make is how you plan to compensate your
affiliates. The compensation for pay per impression programs is
typically pretty low because your business is not necessarily generating
a sale from each impression.

On the other hand, pay per sale programs usually compensates the
affiliate better because the business does directly generate a profit
from the advertising on the affiliate’s website. This amount may a flat
fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the affiliate agreement.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon.

Until then,
"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Message # 13

Use this as a template for even more issues

subject line:

Hello "autoresponder code here",

In the last issue we talked about ......................
In this issue let's go over ..................

Add in your content here<<<<<<

Make sure you look for your next issue soon.

"your name here"

"your email address"

"your URL here"

Legal Notice

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as
possible in the creation of this newsletter, notwithstanding the
fact that he doesn't warrant or represent at any time that
the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing
nature of the Internet.

The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or
damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or
indirectly arising from the use of the information found in
this course.

This newsletter isn't intended for use as a source of legal,
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advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal,
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No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes
Responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author
Reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher
Assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of
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This email may contain affiliate programs and advertisements for
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being earned for purchases made by visitors that click through any of
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