Do Passion Driven Steem Posts Perform Better?

in #internet8 years ago (edited)

Question: Do Passion Driven Steem Posts Perform Better?
Short Answer: You bet they do!

I was wondering when I first got onto the web as a entrepreneur. Things like "What is it that drives these people to create web pages?"

These people refers to web designers and blog website authors. They are truly die hard and never seem to never ever quit or let up Steem. Opps my bad I'm a poor speller LOL I meant "Steam".

So it all started for me online around 2009 and I had no clue about what it took to actually design anything onto the world wide web. I knew nothing about YouTube, nothing about content curation. SEO wasn't even in my vocabulary back then, I knew very little about networking as well. So yeah I had to learn it all the hard way without any formal education on it all, guide, or help. I was self taught pretty much, but I did have a desire to learn as I had once felt lost out here.

A failed project that never took off but yeah template based using

Where's the motivation at to design websites?

So I started as a drag and drop template based web designer who didn't even know basic HTML. My pride and joy is known as and it's still up today. That website/network helped me to grow, to expand my skills online, and whenever I learned more stuff I would return to it to build my knowledge onto it and so it's a growing repository of years of hard work pretty much. Mostly curated works from various sources.

Still I hadn't a clue what it was going to take to truly fuel it all so one day true success would be achieved. To create something that others on the Internet deemed as worthy of reading, consuming, and engaging with time and time again. Well... years later I began to naturally adapt to it all, and soon realized that it was passion that I was missing in the content I would create, and also curate (organize, archive, and share socially online)

Learning the hard way

It took me many years out on YouTube to sense what I needed to do to generate organic web traffic. Blogging helped me to learn SEO and thanks to a awesome writers platform that is still around known as Hubpages. I joined such in 2011. I will never ever forget these experiences of the more digital kind. At Hubpages my eyes began to open up to sense what I was really up against, which actually was simply my ignorance to how the Internet truly worked. (I'm the CloudExplorer profile there)

So first without having a passionate driven focus each time I would seek to create there was a huge void. Over time as stated above I learned to fuel my passions and merge them onto the digital canvas of sorts. Videography took me some time to figure out and also photography. I'm more of a iPhone and Android photographer though, and still consider myself to be a amateur.

Luckily I had a previous engineering technical background from college and so it made the transition to learning computing quite easy for me. Also I was in the U.S. Navy for 10 years prior to getting out here online. There I taught myself how to repair PC's both on the software level and hardware level. I was a electronic technician in the Navy so computing was something that I adapted to very quickly. Took me some time to figure out the Internet lingo, and to become more savvy as a content publisher who's aware of what works best.

Why write about it?

I write all of these things for one very certain thing to share with others who may come across my blogs and surely this one. Anyone can achieve amazing success online. You must first learn the basics to it all. Dig your teeth into SEO, Copyright Laws, things like fair use, creative commons, public domain etc... "Blogging is a great outlet many have found useful, both on the receiving end and content delivery end as long as true relevance is installed per blog post."

After doing that sort of research you will return with a much wiser outlook on dealing with anything digital and on the internet especially when it comes to respecting other people's intellectual property. Reason all of that research is so essential is because even if you have a strong passion out here and you may be really pumped and psyched to make things happen monetarily. Keep in mind that there's ways to go about it all with respect to how this online world functions and most definitely for those people who appear to be achieving greatness.

"Passion is only as powerful online as is your desire to learn how the Internet really works."

Some people as well as networks/website owners fail miserably to fully understand how crucial these things are "A balance needs to be in place to achieve true online success." As some people ignorant to these facts violate rules without even knowing, while others do it knowingly. Either way in order for your true passions in things to get felt and to really count online. You'll need to go that extra distance to learn the rules of engagement no matter the platform you join. Especially monetized platforms such as Steemit. "Steem wisely folks."

Haven't yet read the terms of service on Steem here it is

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