How I use the internet to make myself a more successful person!
Have you noticed nowadays everybody has excuses and long thought out responses for why they cant do something? Stupid, it's not an excuse in my mind anymore. In 2018 we have advanced to a level in human evolution that no longer allows for excuses. We carry around minicomputers that we use for our entertainment reason but hardly ever educational. Have you ever heard the statistic about all extremely successful people? The most successful people in the world so Elon Musk, Oprah Winfree, and Steve Jobs all had a few traits in common. The one that I am talking about is they all read close to a book a day! I don't know about you but I have a hard time reading a youtube description somedays, but I think I've found a fix.
The reason these figures are so successful is they never stopped learning, they never woke up and said: "this is enough". Every day they aspired to be something bigger than they were the day before, this is a success. The only problem is I think everyone has a hard time sitting down and reading an entire book a day, to some of us this is a very daunting task me included. What is better than reading? Well for myself, a 22-year-old male with an attention span problem, I use the platform YouTube.
Within the past month, I have expanded my understanding on multiple subjects. The reason I am writing an article on steemit right now is because I watched a youtube video on it. I think today videos are going advance well beyond what books can offer information wise. I'm not suggesting if you have a question to just go out and trust the first video you watched. Like everything, you need to confirm information and cross-reference other sources to validate what you just learned. I see this every day on social media, although it's not their fault they're only fed half the information but please don't form an opinion on partial information. Again youtube gives you the ability to check your sources and form an individual opinion. Although youtube and video content isn't limited to just visual reference.
Work smarter not harder! Even right now while writing this post I am listening to a YouTube video in the background and learning more about drop-shipping. I already know a lot and have been very successful in drop-shipping but recently I've found an exciting new method of marketing. I wouldn't have learned this if I wasn't constantly searching out new information! This is where I feel like everyone is lacking when it comes to the internet. Instead of watching Netflix shows that have no educational value watch Youtube videos that can take your income from $50/day to $500/day or $1500/day! For some these types of income is impossible to achieve but let me tell you it's very possible.
I am 22 years old if I can watch youtube videos and improve my income substantially with only YouTube then you can too! We live in the most data-driven time in human history, don't limit yourself to emotional content. Be open to others opinions, its okay to be wrong but use that moment to learn from your misinformation and improve your knowledge! New information is what makes you a better person all around. Knowledge is what allows you to take control of your life and free yourself from emotional and financial strains.