International Seminar Method of Educating Caliph's Khalifah Children at City Hall, IRT Participants and Landfill Teachers
A total of 270 participants attended the International Seminar on the introduction of the method of educating caliphate children with the foundation of Asmaul Husna at City Hall of Banda Aceh. The seminar which presented Prof. Dr. Wan Maseri Binti Wan Mohd from Malaysia was opened by Assistant for the Economy and Development of Setdakota Banda Aceh, Iskandar S Sos MSi, Saturday (27/1/2018) in the 4th Floor Hall, Building A, Banda Aceh City Hall Complex.
Report from Committee Chairman, Loeziana Uce SAg MAg, The seminar attracted IRTs in Banda Aceh, landfill teachers and students.
He said, This momentum that must be utilized because a lot of knowledge obtained from the speaker who came from the neighbor country.
"Science is expensive and we should seek, Alhamdulillah today we do not have to search but come alone here. This is certainly very valuable, "said Loeziana.
This International Seminar will provide a great deal of knowledge on how to educate children with the soul of leaders based on Asmaul Husna.
"Today is the first stage, the introduction stage. Next there is a stage of understanding and prkatek, "he added.
Despite presenting speakers from Malaysia, the committee did not burden the participants with high cost. The committee only charges a fee of Rp 20 thousand per participant.
Meanwhile, Iskandar in his speech when opening the seminar expressed his appreciation for the international seminar. He said that this activity we can enrich the insights, provide new perspectives and provide a space for discussion to parents, educators or educators, educators and the public as well as the public.
According to Iskandar, education is a very strategic 'Human Investment' to create superior and competitive generation in today's era and in the future.
"Better education format is certainly a necessity in facing today's global challenges," he said.
Furthermore, education plays an important role in building human resources that are competitive and able to compete with other countries. Therefore, in global life, education must be able to prepare skilled, sensitive and critical human resources to face the challenges and changes that will occur in the world.
Education is also expected to bring the nation, especially Banda Aceh City into a tough community in the face of global life that increasingly rely on information technology.
"Therefore, education also should not rule out moral education. The function of educational institutions is not merely a container for improving intellectual ability, but also contains the values of divinity, honesty, truth and community service, "he added.
At the end of his sambuntan, Iskandar hopes that educational institutions can be a pioneer of total cultural change that not only contains the values of science and technology alone, but he must be a place of morality of humanity.
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