Is there a connection between race and intelligence?

in #intellligence7 years ago

There is a scientific field called "taxonomy" that science has no function but to simplify things and categorize them into groups to make it easier for us to process the analysis. The human mind works in a purely taxonomic way, which we can only store ideas within a ranking system. That's why we invented taxonomy to ensure scientific subjects and terminology.

In the field of taxonomy there are 3 types of living organisms:
1-Real kernel

  1. Bacteria

What does this all mean in scientific terms? Nothing.... These are human classifications that we have devised to facilitate the classification process. Scientifically all biology is a biology based on the four DNA.
For example the classification of mammals is a classification we have devised to make our lives easier to classify animal species, but there is nothing in nature that is already called mammals.


– Are the clerides of insects or fish?
– Is the bat a bird or a mammal?
– Are the carrots of fruits or vegetables?

Scientifically genetic, organisms are characterized by certain genetic mutations that define certain differences in the functions of the body and because of these mutations, these organisms become easy to categorize within specific groups but there is no scientific threshold to say that the genes of this object and the genes of that object are different or similar within a taxonomy family. .

We invented these classifications for easy learning. Yes, there are common properties in certain groups such as vertebrates, invertebrates, reptiles, mammals, insects, birds, fish, amphibians, and lichen, but they are all living organisms that belong to one source and all these classifications are fictitious, not more.


– When does the man become old?
– What are the limits of the Arabic language? Where does it end?

Note: Do you know that in the language sciences there is nothing called one language because all languages are nested among themselves.

There are no boundaries in nature that separate the neighborhoods and they are all sequential and interconnected.

This introduction is important for me to say that there is no such thing as a genetic race. Much confusion between the topic of race relating to heritage and geography and the fact that race is a biological difference that distinguishes people among themselves.

Of course, I'm not claiming that the organisms are all the same. I mean, there's no genetic limit. Distinguishing a group of individuals from each other in a way that we can scientifically categorize. Africans have the colour of their brown skin but they may be more genetically closer to someone from Latin America or Europe than another African person. Skin color is a distinctive sign that makes the classification process inevitable for the same reasons I explained at the beginning, but the debate here is about intelligence, although it has a genetic connection to people with brown skin.

From the genetic standpoint, the horse and the donkey were from one family, but because of their geographical segregation, they have evolved to the point that they are among two different types. The genetic variation between them is not great. So the male donkey and the female horse can still reproduce and have a "mule" but the Mule is unable to reproduce because of the genetic differentiation between his parents. This is what we call sterile mating, so it produces children, but children are unable to reproduce because of the great genetic differentiation between parents.

We do not see this phenomenon in humans, which shows that no matter how different the colours of the human being, the same faction is still genetically.


The brain is a group of neurotransmitters that work to analyze neuropathy and manipulate it in a way that paints the closest conception of external reality. Yes, the brain is a group of members and not one independent member. These members have evolved and homogenized across the process of evolution.
Without entering the anatomical details of the brain and its functions and evolutionary history,
The assessment of brain productivity in organic terms is carried out through the assessment and monitoring of the number of neuroneural connections that regulate the transmission of information between the brain departments and the quality and size of the brain sections.

This is how the mental capacities of all organisms are assessed. From this point I want to note that there are no differences in the brain structure between races. Yes, there's a difference between male and female. There are very small differences based on sexual orientation (like, or not), but there are no brain differences based on race.

Measuring Intelligence:

The brain works to analyze the millions of neurotransmitters it enters spontaneously to reflect the physical reality of the product. The brain has many computational properties, including intelligence related to long-term memory, short-term memory, predictability, and the ability to recognize and be self-discriminating and capable of visual analysis, the ability to analyze acoustic and the ability to identify trends and the ability to Predicting the future and the ability to sympathize and be able to infer the feelings of others and the ability to imagine creativity and ability to talk and analyze sounds and decoding the symbols and the ability to infer social signals and the ability to neutralize risks and identify opportunities and capacity for strategic planning.

These are some of the abilities that the brain can do and all these capabilities relate to the level of intelligence of the organism. Therefore the IQ test cannot be a scientific measure to determine intelligence.

The IQ test was invented in 1908 by a French scientist named Alfred Binet to determine the level of students who need help with their studies so he admitted that this examination is not a means to assess intelligence but to determine the educational needs of the child. But during the first war, this examination was used by governments so that they can categorize and identify the people who are so quickly privileged for use in the army. Today there is no clear scientific way in which you can measure intelligence. Because, as intelligence has stated, a word means many characteristics and capabilities that no comprehensive examination can examine.
Note: There is a clear link between the physical social situation of the person and the test of IQ, which may mean that these tests are influenced by many non-neutral factors. The examination is influenced by many circumstantial and environmental factors such as the person's cultural background, knowledge base of the person or educational level, and no take into account many of the factors influencing performance such as the mother tongue, the communication method, and the environment in which the examination takes place.

Entertainment break:
The raven has a brain structure that differs from the human brain structure but is considered a very smart animal. So the laboratories are working on developing means of communicating with the raven, because scientists believe that any existing space creatures will have a different type of intelligence than our intelligence, and we should learn to communicate with the raven. If we want to communicate with space objects in the future.

Okay let's get back to our subject...

I have tried to add the idea that race is a taxonomy based on heritage and geography rather than a biological condition. I tried to explain the measurement of intelligence and the definition of intelligence.

This is a list of the proportion of the brain size compared to the body mass:
Ants 1:7
Squirrel Trees 1:10
Birds of Darkness 1:14
Human 1:40
Mouse 1:40
Cat 1:110
Dog 1:125
Squirrel 1:150
Frog 1:172
The Lion 1:550
Elephant 1:560
Horse 1:600
Shark 1:2496
Hippo 1:2789
This is a list of the number of brain connections (the list is abbreviated to illustrate the idea):
Fibrous objects: 0 link
Jellyfish: 800 Links
Comment: 10,000 links
Water snail: 11,000 links
Fruit Fly: 100,000 links
Ants: 250, 000 links (may vary between factions)
Bee: 960, 000 links
Frog: 16 million links
Fmats: 71 million links
Rat: 200 million links
Octopus: 300 million links
Dog: 160 million
Cat: 300 million
Human rights: 11 billion
This is just a list of brain size:
Whale: 7800 GR
Elephant: 4780 grams
Dolphin: 1700 grams
Human rights: 1400 grams
Giraffe: 680 grams
Lion: 240 grams
Sheep: 140 grams
Cat: 30 grams
Rat: 2 grams
Goldfish: 0.90 grams

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