Diabetes, silent killer and its terrible consequences
Health beauty
Today in our health and beauty section we will try to educate them about diabetes, since it is the fifth cause of death among the Panamanian population, affecting 10% of the population (approximately)
For these purposes, we will begin by explaining some terms related to the disease ... Let's start:
What is the diabetes?
This is a disease that occurs due to a partial or total lack of the effect of a hormone called insulin (a hormone that helps glucose penetrate the cells to supply them with energy); and is characterized by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. - Glucose comes from the food we eat.
Until March 2017, according to data from the Social Security Fund, more than 25,000 people had been diagnosed with this disease, the majority being women at least 40 years of age. - Many of the diagnosed ones had years with diabetes, nevertheless they did not know it, reason why diabetes can become a silent killer if it is not detected and controlled in time.
In 2015, more than 1,200 people died from this disease. - Of these, 656 were women. "Source: CSS Panama"
There are several types of diabetes, the two most important are:
Type 1 or insulin-dependent: It occurs in young people (40 years of age or less) and manifests when the body does not have insulin.
Type 2 or non-insulin-dependent: Usually has no symptoms and occurs when the production of insulin is not sufficient for the needs of the body, and primarily affects people who are obese or overweight.
There is also gestational diabetes, and may appear in women during pregnancy. - It usually disappears after delivery.
As with any disease, the body alerts us that something is not working well by showing us symptoms.
Among the most common symptoms of diabetes we have:
- Increased thirst and desire to urinate.
- Increased appetite
- Fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Numbness / tingling in the hands or feet
- Ulcers that take a long time to heal or that do not heal
- Weight loss for no apparent reason
Consequences of Diabetes:
Over time, too much glucose in the blood can damage the eyes, the kidneys, the nerves, it can cause heart disease, stroke and the need to amputate a limb.
Have you already been diagnosed with diabetes? What can you do to control it ?:
- Exercise
- Control your weight
- Respect the diet assigned by the doctor
- Feeding healthy
- Attend your medical appointments regularly
- Take and / or apply your medications to the letter.
Exercising and eating a healthy diet can help prevent and control diabetes
Many times we do not act out of fear or lack of information, until it is too late and diseases reach uncontrollable levels that impair our quality of life, so, in case of any symptom, go to your doctor / health specialist.
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Do not forget to share this note with your friends and family, as you can help save a life.
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