Things ladies do to guys but can’t take.

in #instasteemit3 years ago

Good day everyone and happy monday to you all•
7th of June 2022•


So I was reading an article by a friend on readcash article titled “hiding under the umbrella of being a woman”. It was ready an amazing read and I am not just saying this because I am a man Or because I don’t support women or women rights. If anything the women in my life are like goddesses to me but I just have to come out and say it. Ladies there are certain things you people do to us guys but you can never take it if the tides were turned around. Let’s get into it ..

  Saying things openly

I saw a video of a man who was making a joke about how himself and his son was walking around the mall going to get supplies. He said a older lady about 21 or older walker straight to them, bent down and said to him.

“Awwn your son is so cute, this one is going to be a little heart-breaker”Then turned to my son and said “hi cutie save yourself for me, call me when you are 18 I would come take you” and just walked off.

Now tell me this, if that were to be a man do you think things would have gone down the same way? I don’t think you need to answer that.

Apart from that the kind of things our friends who are females can say to are sometimes absurd but we just over look it because they are girls. I have had girls say to me “I am going to r*pe you severely till you plead for help” she said that and was just smiling or you hear girls say to a guy “I am going to ruin your relationship and then leave”. Are these appropriate things to say to a person? Or am I overreacting.

   When ignored or rejected 

One thing we guys can easily move on from without too much drama is being rejected. You know why? Because we have so much experience on being rejected and ignored. Society ignored the male child most times and we can’t talk about that because we are “men”. And so if we like a girl and she rejects us it might take a day or two but eventually we move on quickly, most times without hating or disrespecting her.

But you see my beautiful ladies, you all can’t stand being rejected. It’s like “why would I offer myself to him and he rejects me, he must be dumb, blind or stupid or even all there”. You guys get so mad just because a man says no to you. The next thing you hear is all men are dumb they don’t know a good thing when they see it. Like can you chill, it’s not even that deep. He doesn’t fancy you that’s just it.

   Response to Abusive words.

Truth be told, women are naturally delicate and as such they tend to cry easily or get emotional when certain things are said to them but I have just one request please don’t dish out what you can not receive. It is that simple, if you know that when a person tells you that you are ugly then don’t tell another person that they are ugly.

Often times you would see a lady call a guy- fat, ugly, short or too black and the funny thing is they expect the guy to just take it and move on, which in most cases the guy does but when the same things are said to a lady. All hell will break loose, so help you God if you don’t get the beating of you life or trolling that would sending you straight to depression. You dare not tell a lady that she might just need to hit the gym-that is body shaming and you are disrespectful. What about guys huh? Isn’t it inappropriate to tell a man that he is fat and overweighted.

     The “broke”talk.

Now a lot of women are exempted from this because I feel like women are beginning to realize that they can be as successful as any other man on this planet.

Nevertheless, you would still find a lady who can not afford to pay for her Uber talking down a guy who doesn’t have an expensive car. Some of them would say to you. I can’t date a broke guy but they are broke too.

Like I said before this not an attack on the female gender, I love women and I respect them so much but if we are being honest. These things are nothing but the absolute truth.

Closing thoughts

“Listen Queen I am going to treat you like the queen you are because you are a goddess among men but you have to treat me like a king too, it’s just how it is suppose to be”


Don’t say things to people that you can’t take yourself irrespective of what gender you are. Humility is always a good virtue. If someone ignores you or your feelings towards them learn to move on with our life without having hateful feelings towards them(it is really not that deep). Life is not long enough to not love and respect each other so don’t do it because you have to rather do it because it is the right thing.

Thank you for reading with me•
A jumper original•
All rights reserved•

*edited from my

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