Instant Expert Review - Dwight's First Client Paid Him How Much?

in #instant7 years ago

Instant Expert Review - Dwight's First Client Paid Him How Much?
I want to tell you about this guy, Dwight. He was a complete failure at offline marketing. Total face plant failure!
Smart guy! Brilliant, even! (He was an IT guy. Computer jock.) Just he couldn't sell his way out of a paper bag! Literally.
Here's what happened to him.
He was sick of his job, and thinking that since he knew so much about computer he "should" be able to sell offline services to businesses, he quit his job before having ever landed a real client.
Most of us would get our feet wet, land a few clients, then quit. Not Dwight! He took the big plunge without looking to see if there was even water in the pool!
And, he failed and failed and failed. He was desperate.Finally he got a training.
Guess what happened next?
You can read all about my review blow, but let me just give you a hint.
His first client handed him a huge check. HUGE!
Couple more things.

  1. If you're currently banging your head against the proverbial wall. Don't give up. There's a path to success for you, just as there was for Dwight.
  2. Even if you've got a few clients under your belt, you're going to love this! (Pay close attention to the story about Jay who actually was more experienced, but who landed a $24k deal his first time!)
    Now, let read my Instant Expert review to get more information abou it.