Today's Gratitude: April 20, 2018

in #inspire6 years ago


April 20, 2018

Today, I’m grateful for:

  1. That feeling of excitement that takes over your entire focus and life on the day of a big event, game, or performance. Us athletes and musicians know this well, because you can’t wait to finish work or school for the day and get to the locker room for the first game of the season or the sound check to get ready for the big concert. I know that I can never focus before these big events and I start building up this nervous energy that overtakes me and gets me even more stoked! Recently since I’ve been doing more acting, I’ve realized that every time I have a call time coming up I get the same feeling as I get stoked to get out in front of the camera and make some magic. Hands down one of the best feelings, and I’m so grateful for it!

  2. Another day of life!

  3. The opportunities that God provides for us, and the excitement that He brings into our lives.

We can never count our blessings enough, so I will look to make my gratitude different each time, as I continue to be given so much every day.

But every day, #2 will be my expression of gratitude for the chance to live another day, as it truly is a gift, not a guarantee. And #3 will always be dedicated to Him, for being our eternal guidance and our loving Father.

What are you grateful for?


What's life without excitement? It's the spice of life, if I may say so myself. But what gets one excited will definitely be different from person to person. I find chess very exciting but to a lot of my friends this is a boring game. Another is Scrabble and would you believe, Monopoly ha ha ha. I find shopping tiresome and unexciting but my wife feels differently. She can spend the whole day in the mall and return again the next day and the next. Today I am grateful for challenges we are given to make life meaningful not only for ourselves but for others.

Agreed Gems. And these differences are what makes us unique, and also brings another spice of life (variety) to our world. And chess is great! Don’t play it enough, but whenever we go camping, we always make sure to keep a set so that we can get some games.

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!