Escape the Crazy with Me!

photo by Robin Light Clarkdale AZ.jpg

Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you.
Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you.
This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.
~Wayne Dyer

Life can get crazy sometimes, and that’s not necessarily bad, as long as the crazy doesn’t take over and rob us of our peace. If that starts to happen, then one of the best things we can do is spend some time in nature and simply admire the beauty around us.

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my Sweetie & Stella

If you have a pet in your life they too are a great way to escape the crazy. In fact, pets have a lot to teach us, all we have to do is be willing to learn. We have two pets, Rodger and Stella.

Rodger is a Basset-Beagle mix that came into our lives in 2012, his story is quite interesting but I will share that another time, he is the most amazing dog I have ever known! He is gentle and loving to everyone, but he always knows who needs his energy. More times than we can count we have been out with him and he will spot someone and just go up to them, the person will rub his ears or scratch his back as they tell us how they recently lost their beloved pet and that meeting Rodger really brightened their day.

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my Sweetie & Rodger

When we are able to have that level of pace within us, not only will our lives be better, but we will be able to pass that peaceful energy along to those we meet as well.

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
~Albert Einstein

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view of Sedona from Clarkdale, AZ

In the coming weeks I will be sharing more about contemplation and why I have found it to be such a valuable part of my life, but for now, I would love to know if you have a favorite place in nature that you like to go contemplate, or if you have pets that are teaching you lessons. I would love to hear your experiences and even see your photos! Simply post them in the comments.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my post! If you enjoyed this ‘Enlightenment shot’ I invite you to follow me on this thought-provoking journey as I share the things that have led me to believe that --Life is So Easy!--

photo by Robin Light Stella n Daddy.jpg

Stella says, Enough with the pictures, let's play!"


Great information to share. Wasn't Dr. Wayne Dyer wonderful. Such a wise and humble soul. Anyway, yes, I do this contemplation frequently while in nature. I can do it anywhere; often in my own humble backyard. Some of the best places have been at the beach on the Pacific Ocean, but lots of places. Wherever this is natural nature, there is so much beauty and life happening.

YES @shevans! Dr. Dyer was truly wonderful! He has so much to share with the world.
Thank you for sharing some of your favorite contemplations spots, the Pacific Ocean has so many varieties of beauty to offer, and of course, the sound of the ocean alone is so soothing.

Being present at the ocean beach is the most calming and reflective space I have ever been in.

Going for a long walk with my pup to just get outside and escape the real world for a little while is one of my favorite things to do to relax. Pets and contemplation do wonders for me.

I love that @mk40! Thank you for sharing ❤️give your pup an extra treat for me! 🐾 I am sure it is well deserved

Amen...Being in nature with my best friend Nietzsche, is what keeps me sane.img1509757727736.jpg

Thanks for sharing the picture! Nietzsche looks like one of Rodger's cousins 🐾

Nietzsche is a Doberman/terrier mix. Most ask if he is a Rottweiller. What breed(s) are Rodger's cousins?

Yes! I take a rather long walk in nature almost every day because it helps tremendously in releasing thoughts dragging me to non-existent past or future and Instead refocusing on the only present moment of Now. In this way, I pay more attention to my immediate environment which in turn makes me more curious of it. The mind feels so much lighter thereafter and brings about natural sighs of reliefs! :)

That's awesome @alexaventuria! I love that you pointed out it makes you more curious.... what a great state to be in, curiosity and wonder, this allows us to experience even the familiar in a whole new way 😊

I am sorry to see so few votes on your blog. First off, weekends are super slow on Steemit and I avoid posting anything of real effort Friday- Sunday. If you do not mind a little advice, if you haven't already, I suggest you join steemgigs, pal/msp and @qurator. They all have voting bots on discord, which can help your posts rank higher in the threads. All require a small fee to sign up and return it to you once you are verified, except qurator. Qurator charges a one time fee of 2SBD I believe, but upvote one of your posts per day and the post promotion rules on discord could sky rocket your posts.

Oh my @notconvinced! I had no idea the weekends were slow on steemit! Thank you so much for that tip! Those would be great days to just use steepshot 😉
steemgigs, voting bots, verified, pal/msp???? WHAAAAT? Something just flew over my head! 😲
I have NO idea what any of that is, but I am willing to learn, especially if it will put my info in front of more people! I will go to @qurator and hopefully it will explain exactly what to do from there.
Thanks again for the tip!

Thank you for all of these links! I found some info on @qurator too, I had to power down to get the steem, but as soon as it's available I will request to be a member. Until then I have this info that I can learn from, plus I started following you because I liked this on your page >> I simply want to contribute positively to the whole.

I am glad the information is of value to you. Thank you for the follow and it's nice to meet you.

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