in #inspirational6 years ago

Living in Union with Christ means identifying with Him in His crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and glorification. This is part of the total redemption plan of God for mankind.


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Our Union with Christ begins at the new birth, this is when we become born again. The need for this union arose when man, Adam, summed and mam became separated from God. Ever since, every man that came into this world was born a servant of sin and of unrighteousness. Because of this l, man has no positive relationship with God. All attempts made by man to renew this relationship has never met with success.

We believe on the son of God, we enter into a new relationship with both the Father and the Son. "But as many that received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God...." (John 1:12). We are given the right of sonship-we who were aliens and strangers to God. This belief entails our confessing and receiving the forgiveness of our sins. Consequently, e can now have peace with God. (Romans 5:1)


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Now, we enter into this union by faith, grace and His blood. "Faith is the substance of things that we hoped for, and the evidence of what we have not seen". By faith we appropriate the work of Christ on the cross to our lives, we accept that our sins are forgiven and we have been accepted into the body of Christ.

We are saved by faith thus, this union is not at our instance but of God's grace. Grace is unmerited favour which is God's love and mercy in action. This is made manifest to us in person of Christ,, His death and resurrection that make salvation possible. Jesus gave Himself fpr us not to merely to save us from death and judgment but redeemed us from slavery, iniquity and lawlessness to live in Union with Him.


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Our living in Union with Christ means we are now joint heirs with Christ; And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ...." (Romans 8:17). This means that we are granted full welcome into God's family, presence and possessions: To the glory and the praise of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved.


Living in Union with Christ entitles us to the privileges of sonship. This means we are partakers of all the blessings and riches of Christ. Our lives are enriched and transformed daily to His glory and honor.

Thank you for reading. Hope to get feedbacks from you all.


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