Get Over Your Past

in #inspirational7 years ago

It is a Sunday, a day of blessing. This is my first #SacredSunday post. Remain blessed as you read.
Happy Sunday Steemians, let's all keep on steering!

As humans, we all have a past. Our past could be a negative or positive experience. Furthermore, it could either be our prison, or our springboard to catapult us to the future we picture. But we can't move forward in lofe if we continue to holdon to our past.

Some people are chained to the past by an unforgiving heart, they are not willing to let go, they hold unto their offender with bitterness, unknowing that bitterness itself is like a chain around the neck; chocking the life out of your freedom. Maybe you've been hurt, and you’re saying “I’ll never forgive them unless they admit what they've done, and ask for my forgiveness.” What if they never do? Why should your happiness depend on their ability to do what's right, especially if they're not in the habit of doing it? You're giving them too much power! What a miserable way to live!

You ask, “What's the solution?" Remove the mechanism that triggers the old feelings! How? By forgiving!
Jesus concluded that the rejection of men was "the Lord's doing." Joseph did too. After he’d been betrayed by his family, he said, "Ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good" (Genesis 50:20). Can you say that too? Instead of obsessing over what somebody else is doing to you, can you see what God is doing for you? He orchestral what thy enemy does and makes it accomplish His purposes in your life. Marvelous!

It is when you begin to see God in it, that it becomes "marvelous" in your eyes. When that happens, you can stand up and say, "Here’s how I see it. It took all I’ve been through to make me what I am today. Therefore, I chose to be better, not bitter. I trust the faithfulness of God. If He doesn‘t move this mountain, He’ll give me strength to endure until tomorrow. And if it's not gone by tomorrow, I'll still believe He’s able, and trust him until he does.” People will enter your life, and people will leave it, but God’s promise to you is “you will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out” (Deuteronomy 28:6 NIV). Rejection can actually bring divine direction, and become “marvelous” in your eyes, when you start to see the hand of God in it all.

I hope you enjoyed this message. Have a lovely day ahead!


This is what we just need to progress in life. There are pebbles like his on our ways. Ordinarily,prayer might not be needed in some conditions but bcs our past is hunting us and we are under its shadow too,it is difficult for us to GET THERE. Kudos bro.

Welldone! Broda nice work!

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