Each Day I create several digital paintings and attach inspirational quotes for your enjoyment

in #inspirational7 years ago


Prior To Thought —

15 x 15 inches or smaller SKU 4702
“You are the light of Presence, the awareness that is prior to and deeper than any thoughts and emotions.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose


The Unmanifested —

15 x 15 inches or smaller SKU 4703
“So what happens if you withdraw attention from the objects in space and become aware of space itself? What is the essence of this room? The furniture, pictures, and so on are in the room, but they are not the room. The floor, walls, and ceiling define the boundary of the room, but they are not the room either. So what is the essence of the room? Space, of course, empty space. There would be no “room” without it. Since space is “nothing,” we can say that what is not there is more important than what is there. So become aware of the space that is all around you. Don’t think about it. Feel it, as it were. Pay attention to “nothing.” As you do that, a shift in consciousness takes place inside you. Here is why. The inner equivalent to objects in space such as furniture, walls, and so on are your mind objects: thoughts, emotions, and the objects of the senses. And the inner equivalent of space is the consciousness that enables your mind objects to be, just as space allows all things to be. So if you withdraw attention from things - objects in space - you automatically withdraw attention from your mind objects as well. In other words: You cannot think and be aware of space - or of silence, for that matter. By becoming aware of the empty space around you, you simultaneously become aware of the space of no-mind, of pure consciousness: the Unmanifested. This is how the contemplation of space can become a portal for you.”
― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment


Direct Awareness —

15 x 15 inches or smaller SKU 4704
The mind can do so much more than simply analyze problems with its Doing mode... [T]he mind doesn't just think. It can also be aware that it is thinking. This form of pure awareness allows you to experience the world directly... to step outside the chattering negative self-talk and your reactive impulses and emotions. It allows you to look at the world once again with open eyes. And when you do so, a sense of wonder and quiet contentment begins to reappear in your life.
Mark Williams and Danny Penman,
Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan
for Finding Peace in a Frantic World


Best By Accepting —

15 x 15 inches or smaller SKU 4705

“When you accept what is, every piece of meat - every moment - is the best. That is enlightenment.”
― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

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