Digging for inspiration

I'm sure like a lot of people get in these places where they want to say, "What's the point?" about whatever their passion may be. I'm often here wondering why I should make art. What good does it do? Is there any real value? I look at others artwork, and it fills me with so much meaning. However, I'm just this no-body making this thing, what ever it may be on paper. Never-the-less, it feels right, it feels like that's what I should really be doing.

I never cared to think of myself as an AMAZING artist, but I know it's something that feels like I should be doing. I'm at this point in my life, where I often have no idea if I'm moving forward or back. This is what I have, and this is what I want to hold on to.

I enjoy girrafs.
Thank you to every person who gives me support in this. It means so much to me.
Great stuff, I'm a Artist too and I'm just compelled to create, its almost like a sickness. I just have to do it and it's been that way all my life with one medium or another.
Sickness, yes, it really feels that way at times.