Why We Need to Share Our Story

in #inspiration7 years ago

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Do you know why storytelling is so popular among people? Because people love hearing stories. Often we can explain our deepest emotions through telling the story.

In the past, I was very skeptical to share my story. I was afraid that people will judge me for who I am and what I've been through since not all parts of my story were something to be proud of.

Do you know what is the most ironic thing about it? That majority of people think like I did. We are trying to hide behind the curtains and reveal only things we think will make us look good. There is nothing weird about it and I tell you why.

We are growing up and living in a society where keeping it "cool" and not "too emotional" works for many. Why should we make anyone uncomfortable? Based on this cultural acceptance, we believe that we shouldn't show too much of our truth because of the judgment and criticism which is sometimes hard to handle. Therefore, we are creating this illusion of living a "perfect life."

We have a perfect marriage or relationship, perfect children, perfect job and perfect family. That's how it seems on the outside. In the backstage of life, our marriage is falling apart, our job sucks and drains us every day but we try to keep it together.

There are many reasons for that. We may feel shame, guilt or we simply don't want to bother our surroundings with problems we have. We think no one would understand since everyone's life seems just perfect. And you feel like a shit because in your head, only your like sucks.

This is where it gets interesting. The truth is that no one has a perfect life, no one lives without problems and people often deal with more than we could ever imagine. The real problem is that we are terrified to share our story. I know this feeling very well because I was hiding behind those curtains for many years.

Maybe you read my previous story and if not, here is a little overview.

For many years, I pretended that I had everything under control. Since I came from a low-income family with lots of drama and problems, I learned at the early age that I had to be always strong. As years went by, I was strengthening this belief more and more. Each time I got hurt, I simply tried to brush it off and move right away. Showing my weakness or admitting that I am feeling weak meant failure for me.

When I finally realized, after 14 years that everything I believed strengths represents it's actually bullshit, I was forced to face myself as a real, imperfect and emotional woman. After I found a courage to that, I started to consider how I should share this emotional awakening with the world.

Should I write a blog post "5 ways how to learn about your feelings" or make a video "3 things about your emotions you didn't know?" Those are all good materials which I will more than likely use in what I do, but I decided that the first thing I should do to impact the world with this powerful message of vulnerability is to share my story.

It was freaking terrifying at first. Me, as this strong woman I always strived to be is supposed to come out and say "hey, my name is Silvia, I am vulnerable I get hurt and sometimes I am a total mess." OMG, what a challenge.

I was ready to be judged and being considered a weirdo. But here is what surprised me. When people reacted to my simple story about vulnerability and imperfection, what most of them were saying was "ME TOO."

That's when I understood the power of the story. When you open up to the world, risking that the reaction of others can hurt you, you are also opening the door for those who struggle like you do. I've learned over the years that people respond to honesty and vulnerability. We all are going through it. The only difference is that some of us decide to share it and some of us are waiting for someone brave enough to just "go first." It doesn't matter what group you this you belong to, never deny your story. There are many people who wait for your turn to speak because they can find inspiration and support in your story.

There is and always will be the power in your story. Embrace the heck out of it.

Thank you for reading. I would be super happy if you share some part of your story in the comment section below.


This was powerful! We are all human so we all experience human emotions. It's crazy how the environment we grow up in put mental chains on us that we later in life have to learn to break. I'm learning to show a deeper side of myself as well. Good luck on the journey and just keep grinding it out on here!

Thank you for a thoughtful comment. Yes, it's true we are impacted by our environment in a big way. I think that the best way to recognize who we are is self-awareness. Only when I started to listen to my feelings or when I saw myself acting in a bad way, I was able to analyze it and change it.

BINGO BINGO BINGO!! So many of us are missing the self-awareness piece!!

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