CONSISTENCY is the key to life – Build your MOMENTUM!

Sometimes it literally hurts my head to think about how much effort it takes to get momentum rolling. Creating momentum is everything in life and business, but the consistency needed to gain momentum is where 99% of people fall short of their goals. Consistency is what creates champions. Consistency is the difference between the professional and the amateur. Consistency requires us to break though laziness again and again, a million times over, until the momentum of our creations are unstoppable. So many people in this world are blinded by their pursuit of comfort and are completely content with mediocrity. There is nothing wrong with this lifestyle of laziness, and this blog is not aimed at energizing the unmotivated. This blog is aimed at the dreamers. It’s for the people out there with the spark in their soul that is bound to light the world on fire. You have the potential to achieve great things in this world, but do you have the motivation to turn that potential into momentum? The answer is yes, but you must push through your laziness and find the power of CONSISTENCY if you want to succeed.


The first thing to understand in creating momentum for your life or business is that consistency is a state of mind. It is not a special skill that needs to be learned or trained, it is literally the ability to get off your ass and go do some work. It is necessary to have your end goal strongly visualized in your mind in order to be consistent. Know what your goals are and have the image of success completely mapped out in your mind. As I am a musician and write mostly about the music industry I think it makes sense to use music as an example for this. If you want to be a professional musician you should have your vision of success completely mapped out. Success could mean something different for everyone. Some musicians want to be world-wide superstars like Michael Jackson and others would be happy to simply make an honest living playing their instrument. Whatever your goals are, have them clearly mapped out in your mind so that you can connect the goals back to the actions that are needed to achieve them. In this example consistency could mean playing your instrument everyday, no matter what. Are you tired? Are you sick? Are you taking a personal day just to chill? Momentum does not give a fuck about your personal day. Momentum gives a fuck about consistency, effort, and results. While your chilling on your personal day I guarantee that there is another musician out there who is consistently practicing their art and is ready to take your spot.


The best part about momentum is that when it finally strikes you can feel it in your soul! Nothing will fuel your motivation more than momentum will. It has the power to drastically multiply the results of everything you do, which will naturally make you want to do more! Take a second to imagine if you had momentum here within the #steemit blogging community. If every time you posted a blog here you made hundreds of dollars, wouldn’t you get off your ass and be more consistent with your efforts? Hell yes you would! And guess what? It’s possible through the power of CONSISTENCY!

KEEP PUSHING FORWARD MY FRIENDS! I want you all to feel the energy that momentum can bring to your life.

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