What is the number one thing that you need to give up to create the life that you want?
What is it that is hiding you back from being exactly who you want to be, in terms of success, health, relationship and as a member of the society?
This a question that I always ask myself and I want to leave this question to you hoping that you might inspire me and other readers.
Leave your answer in the comment and get some good upvote from me.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
In my early age i am get confused and fear about losing myself to face a challenge, now i can understand that though i knew i am losing but surely faced the challenge, accepting the truth, if i win this is mine, if not that neither of mine. You may stronger from me but i won't let it go easily in middle of the race. One more thing firstly decided what you want and find how many obligations, then make a bridge between them!
Yeah only can is ourselves
My goal has always been to live life on my own terms. Which I have done for the most part. I do have a hard time limiting my obligations. I need to do a better job at prioritizing what I commit to.
For me i feel its more of procrastination. I mean if i do everything I am meant to do at the time I set out to do it, I think i will really go far in life. Procrastination ruins a lot of things, stalls your progress and sometimes makes you miss opportunities. For me this is my number one .. Hope this answer helps you @purepinay