in #inspiration6 years ago

The believers in Christ, ad pilgrims in this work are enjoined by the master to live as ambassadors of the kingdom of God in all spheres of life. This implies that every believer should usi his/her gifts/talents in its fullness knowing that one day he/she will render account of stewardship to the master.


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Occupy till I come means doing God's business, working hard,being diligent, serving others, sharing the blessing HE has given us with others, witnessing to our neighbors, telling them about HIM and making disciples of others until HE comes He wants us to be living epistles read by all men until HE comes.


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The story showed Jesus followers what they were to do during the time between Jesus departure and Hisbrrturn. Because we live inghat time period, it applies directly to us. We have been given excellent resources to build and expand God's kingdom. The Lord Jesus expects us to use these talents so that they multiply and the kingdom grows. He will ask each of us to account for what we did with His gifts. While awaiting the Lord's return, we must do God's work.

In the home, every member of the family has one responsibility or the other given by God. When we accept Gods responsibility and obey His commandments, we are occupying in our homes until the Lord's return.


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The Church as ground and pillar of the truth is God's platform for the propagation of His kingdom on earth.

The believer is as well expected to release God given society in whatever capacity he/she finds his/herself.

Call to action:

Our master the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again asbHe has promised. We do not know when, but considering the times and events around the world, He will come soon. Every Christians should therefore, be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing this that His reward shall be according to our work.

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