in #inspiration6 years ago

God, since creation of man, will for all. Even when man goes astray, He still seeks his return to Him, because it is really not His will that anyone should perish but get repented.


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The entire people of Israel in the days of Malachi no doubt have gone astray from the way of the Lord, and followed their own way contrary to the will of God. They failed to see God as their maker, who deserves all the honor they can give Him. They did not treat God as their Master and Father who gave them grace to be whatever they were.

The priest failed to teach the people the truth from the word of God. The priest whose zeal for godliness had dwindled, saw no reason to make enough result-oriented effort to enable them know the truth that sets reew and restores godly living. Thus everyone did what seemed right in his sight to the detriment of their spiritual well being.

Disobedience to the word of God is even worse off in our time, among the leaders and the led. The believers' primary allegiance and obedience should be to the Lord and not to man, irrespective of title, position or possession. An example is in the dressing style of some believers which is not better than that of some insane persons. Most painful of it is that some pastors are in support of this shame.


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God's promises abound to everyone that is faithful in tithes and offerings. God does not only five for our earthly usage but also eternal things. Tithe is the one tenth of a person's income that should be paid into the Lord's house. While offering on the other hand is anything or amount one gives cheerfully to the Lord according to ones enablement. It should be given bountifully unto the Lord, to attract blessings from Him- the giver of all good things in life.

God does not despise a repentant heart. He wants sinners to return to Him for forgiveness and reabsorption I to the sheepfold. For one to return to the Lord, he has to realise himself by identifying his real sinful spiritual state like the prodigal son. He needs to tell himself the truth regarding his insecure ungodly state.


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Sincere repentance to God will bring about joy, the person's name will be written I'm the book of life, grace to live a victorious life and has hope of eternal life.


God always makes provisions for salvation and for backsliders to return again because He is not willing that any should perish. It will be too painful for one to deliberately remain in sin, despising the grace available for his redemption, and still go to hell.

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