How ‘affluent’ Instagramers had me panicking
I’m an Instagram lover but towards the end of 2016 I just needed a break. Gosh! The pressure and anxiety just got real. Life was knocking me down and every time I was on the gram, I had more panic attacks. I am all for women winning, make no mistake about that, but every time I scrolled I would see some fancy girl with infinite luxurious items and that made me scream from the inside.
Since I am not hater, whilst scrolling I couldn’t help it but double tap. My heart screaming loooveee! There are a lot of other things that i love on Instagram such as inspirational quotes that always make me feel like I can do anything, great family time or some cute babies that will have my ovaries yelling ‘oh so cute.’
The affluent Instagramers that post from 3 resort locations in one week, have massive beauty collections and closets had me in panic mode. Going through their pages gives you a glimpse into a world you can only wish for. In the midst of all our daily issues, what girl doesn’t want to be on a private jet every other day and being followed by some hired camera person? I know I want that life. The thing with Instagram is once you start insta-stalking these socialites, 5 hours later you will have gone through several profiles and lost count. Oh wow, how on earth did she get that latest Chanel? How does she afford all these fancy trips? How does she get that glow, gosh look at her selfies? WHERE DOES SHE GET ALL THAT MONEY?
Insta-stalking a specific Instagramer (will not name) I found myself weeks into their profile. I made sure I would not click on any of her stuff lest she be notified of my snooping. I suddenly got this feeling that I did not have a life. My Instagram profile does not have any pictures from resort locations. Neither do I own a Porsche or a Ferrari. I started to convince myself to be more exciting, I need to have that Instagram life.
So of course the first question was ‘Am I not working hard enough?’ Maybe I should change my line of work since everyone is #Melanin and #Winning. I mean there is also the team #NoSleep, so maybe it is time for a career change.
Oprah calls it an “aha” moment. The moment i had the realisation that I am doing everything the way I am supposed to be. My life is my own to map out at my own pace. It was easy for me to convince myself that I was not doing enough, when in reality blood and sweat was going into my dreams. My diary in hand, I sat down and listed all the things I have been able to accomplish and those I am working towards. That was the epiphany I needed as it confirmed that I am on the right path.
“False Media, we don’t need it do we. Don’t believe the Hype.” Lyrics from a song by Public Enemy.
It is easy for someone to lease a car, borrow clothes, rent a mansion or post pictures from an old trip. So whilst I do not want to bring anyone down, it is important that people start living their real lives. I love it when women win, but I had to learn how to filter what is real from what isn’t in my time of distress. I will no longer allow Instagram ‘elites’ to dictate my progress based on trips when I am working on a better future for my self.
Before you lose sleep over someone else’s hustle or get any anxiety, always remember people will only show you what they want you to see.
Article from my blog.
Pictures from.
Hie, just been all over your blog.It is quiet interesting there, lol.I subscribed.I concur with you that dellusions of grandeur have seen many women having stretch marks of life in a quest to greatness.Wealth is graceful and beautiful, why not be objective in our approach and patiently get there .Many souls are rent yearning for the trophy before the finishing line.We will get there.Celebrity cloning has ruined many of us trying to find acceptence whilst losing our very life.Your quilt and diary will make the magic to an organised successful life.
Hello fellow Zimbos,i have found this platform appealing in showcasing the opportunities in Zimbabwe (cryptocurrency) which can turn around peoples liives.I have made an initiative on P.A.LDiscord to create a Zimbabwe chat room where we mix ,share ideas and support each other .If you are interested feel free to check it out on the link below.Thank you once again

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