Inspiration - What it is and How you get it

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

Today I felt inspired to write about Inspiration. 

What is Inspiration?

If I was asked by whom or what I was inspired to write about Inspiration, my answer would be neither, Inspiration just came to me. 

Usually I would define Inspiration as "someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something", but that's not really true.

Ideas are formed by flashes of inspiration, but Inspiration doesn't have a materialistic form. I mean yes, people can inspire you to do something, places can inspire you, things, art, sounds, odors and anything else you can sense, but inspiration itself comes from within you. 

What you are inspired by is unique to who you are and how you perceive.

How to be inspired

Obviously there are many ways to be inspired , but what I've personally have been noticing especially lately is that Inspiration is something you cannot force, you cannot want to feel inspired, you only are inspired. It's not something that happens in your conscious mind, something you can control. 

Just like intuition, inspiration is formed in your sub-conscious mind and is surrounded by something like a strong willpower that wants you to manifest and bring to life whatever inspiration gives you. 

Inspiration doesn't work without cooperating with humans.

Inspiration is something magical and  in order for you to be able to receive, you first of all must believe that it exists. When you are looking for the solution to a problem, you must believe that it exists, otherwise it's impossible to enter your reality.

I guess we can agree on that inspiration is somewhat related to creativity, or say that inspiration is sudden creativity.
Sometimes when you feel uncreative, you might not know what topic to blog about next on Steemit, or you're thinking about what you should cook for dinner, you're looking for a spark of inspiration..

Types of Inspiration

Now there are different ways to go about "receiving inspiration" and there are two types of Inspiration that I want to touch on. 

The first one is obvious, it's the type of inspiration that comes from the outer world. You see something and that inspires you to do something similar or you associate it with a thought that then triggers a certain idea. For example, you can feel inspired by a quote..

The second one seems more difficult for most people, because it requires your own creative mind. Great innovators like Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci, Marie Curie or Galileo Galilei have all used both types of inspiration, but unlike most people do not rely on the first type and rather focus on the second type of inspiration. The type of Inspiration that comes from within you, Inspiration that hits you while doing it. 

cA good example of that would be when you sit down and simply begin abstract painting. I actually used to paint a lot (might share some images here on Steemit) and after the drawing was done, I was always mind blown by what I had created without the slightest idea of where it came from, the choice of colors, the design patterns. The same goes with writing. Sometimes I begin to write and don't know where it's going (a little bit like right now). In the beginning I didn't know what I was going to write about and all of a sudden a flash of inspiration hits me and I can't stop typing.

We tend to underestimate the power of type 2.

Real life example:
For the longest time I was forcefully thinking about the name for an important upcoming project. I marked down a deadline, when a decision for a name must be reached. Days went by, I was waiting for the name to come, but it didn't. When the day of the deadline came, still nothing. I felt frustrated and couldn't figure out why it was so damn hard to find the perfect name. I went online, researched for hours and looked everywhere I could to feel inspired. 

At that point I was through it, I was done and said to myself  " f... it!"  We'll continue working on the project, I need a break from searching for a name. And as life loves surprises, two days later the name was there, effortlessly delivered by: INSPIRATION! 

My top 3 Tips for receiving Inspiration:

  • Don't try to forcefully find Inspiration, let Inspiration find you (even when it's urgent)

Try doing something that has nothing to do with what you need inspiration for, like doing laundry, going out with your friends or anything else and watch inspiration sneak to you, when you least expect it

  • Go outside, change your environment 

It's difficult for something new to emerge from the same. What I mean by that is, as mentioned earlier Inspiration comes from your senses, so it only makes sense that if you stimulate them it will be easier for Inspiration to get to you.

  • Believe in it and don't get mad at it

Just like you won't find happiness, by holding on to anger.. Inspiration can't get to you, when you're mad it. Trust in its timing, BELIEVE that it's there and kindly let it know that you are welcoming it whenever it's ready. 

I hope you feel inspired by this blogpost (ok enough with this word). 

But lastly, I would love to know if you're rather a type 1. who searches for inspiration, or type 2. who gets surprise by inspiration more often.  And one more Q:


Much love,

- Mrs.Steemit


What you are inspired by is unique to who you are and how you perceive.

That is true. I did not agree with your thoughts at the beginning of this article but as you let the details flow it made more sense.

I am type 2 inspiration. The sentence where you talked about sitting down and starting to draw or write while discovering what your subconscious wanted to create hit home with me.

It is amazing what our creative mind wants to share with the world and what we allow our fears to hold back from the world.

Love the honesty and glad you continued reading. "Discovering what your subconscious wants to create" is to the point, imagination and creativity, such amazing tools of us humans that truly deserve recognition. Appreciate your thoughts :)

Appreciate your quality post. :)

Love it :)

Nature is what inspires me.

Cool post, upvoted!


Great post! ⭐️

Nice post..
I like it..
Thanks for sharing inspiration :)

Many things will inspire an open mind, i think true inspired creativity comes to the mind spontaneously, one just has to be aware of what their consciousness is telling them

Couldn't have said it better !

Beautiful article.

Mostly two things:

  • Nature - whenever I went out hiking I come back inspired to create
  • Music - a great way to change or intensify your mood and get inspired - the only unfortunate thing as a musician is the fact that you can't create music while listening to music - lol

Love that you mentioned music ! As a dancer music is definitely one of my biggest inspirations and hiking I can also relate to, I loved going on a hike when I lived in Suffield, CT. The feeling you get when you reach the top and have the best view is magical! Thanks for sharing :)

Glad you can relate to hiking.
Just noticed there are two more things I can find inspiration in:

  • other people that are inspired in their work, doesn't matter what it is, if they love their job and are good doing it, I tend to find this very inspiring
  • the little things that suddenly catch your attention. Like an unsual shaped cloud or maybe a strange sound you can't classify or a certain way someone makes a hand gesture... these kind of things

Keep dancing, definitly one of the things I find inspiring: great dancers and dancing performances.

"go outside, change your environment" > wow that is the best tip to get fresh mind and inspired... Getting this tip to the extreme would be: traveling, there is nothing more inspiring than that!

Yes! Travelling keeps alive :)

Nice post! I like it very much...

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