We all have the power to create wealth

in #inspiration7 years ago


“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” Deut. 8:18.

God has made us “wealth creators” by His power that is resident in us. The only way to be truly wealthy is to learn how to create wealth ourselves. What people give you, once in a while, cannot make you wealthy. If you’ve not learnt the secret of wealth creation, you cannot be truly wealthy.

The end time wealth transfer to the church will be affected by the principle of wealth creation. If we want to be recipients of this great encounter God has promised us in the area of wealth, we must all learn and know how to create wealth ourselves. God has given you the power; you must know how to put the power to work to produce for you. Power is given for a change. Power is given to make things happen. Power is given for the potentials in a particular thing to function and produce. God has given us the spirit of love, power and a sound mind so that we can think clearly, creatively and productively. When you have the spirit of love, power and a sound mind actively functioning in your life, wealth creation is possible. Your talent, skill, business or careers have the latent abilities to generate wealth for you when you dare to create something out of the ordinary with them. There are people that can never be poor again in life because they’ve learnt the eternal principle of wealth creation. Such people can succeed in any environment. You can be one of them.


If you don’t know how to create wealth where you are working, you can get stock financially and socially by reason of your limited and meager salary. If you can’t save some little percentage of your little salary and wisely create some wealth out of it, you may be surprised that you’ve idly spent some three decades of your life working without any material thing to show for it.
Many salaried people are the most miserable people I have ever met all my life. I’ve seen some people work and live on salary for thirty years or above with a legacy of worn-out trousers, worn-out shoes, old rat-infested upholstery chairs that have been torn to shreds with over use that have springs and nails showing at different parts, and silently waiting to tear the clothes of unsuspecting visitors and friends that would sit on them. What a comedy! It’s saddening. I know the pain and agony of living on a meager salary for month after month and year after year because I was there for over thirteen years as a pastor. For the first twelve years of my ministry life I lived on the salary level that was not above N1, 500 (my first salary was N49.00 which I received in 1987). It’s a terrible thing and place to be.
My only savior then was the principle of sowing that practiced and the favour of God that rested upon my life; if it were not for these, I didn’t know what would have happened to me because I hadn’t learnt the principle of wealth creation that I’m sharing in this book.
I didn’t understand early in life and ministry that God is not a “salary God”. He is a creative God. He created us to change any situation we don’t like around us.
The salary thing I’m talking about has stagnated many families and organizations in history. Faith and trust in your salary can stifle and stagnate your potentials and creativity, and consequently and eventually rob you of your resources and wealth. There are people that are always planning and projecting everything about their lives around their salary. You will probably retire from that your job without any tangible and worthwhile achievements if you refuse to wake up today and begin to create wealth for yourself. If you’re a victim to this, it’s time to reposition yourself for a better life God has in store for you.
You can be working in an established or ministry and be creating and generating wealth for yourself at the same time.
Don’t be entrapped and imprisoned in what you are doing now. Stop waiting and planning for your pension and gratuity. Start planning for a greater tomorrow. Start projecting. Start creating something for tomorrow. Stop blaming the government. Stop blaming your parents for not sending you to school. Stop blaming the environment. Stop blaming and regretting your background and past. Sit down. Think. Pray. Begin to do something now with your hands. Begin to create your own wealth.
I have cause to testify to the glory of God that wealth creation through my talents as delivered me from a lot of shame a number of times. I would share one of the testimonies in a later chapter.

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