Daily Inspiration #76 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Happiness

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #76
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945), commonly known as FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. A Democrat, he won a record four presidential elections and emerged as a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century. He directed the United States government during most of the Great Depression and World War II. As a dominant leader of his party, he built the New Deal Coalition, realigning American politics into the Fifth Party System and defining American liberalism throughout the middle third of the 20th century. He is often rated by scholars as one of the three greatest U.S. Presidents, along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

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Ok, I have a great quote from him today.

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."

What a great quote.

How does it feel when we achieve something we've wanted to achieve?

It feels great doesn't it?

When we accomplish something it feels wonderful.

We are happy with ourselves for what we have accomplished.

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While we are working on accomplishing it it feels good to.

Our creative juices are flowing and we are just killin it.

While we are in that creative state we can overcome obstacles like they aren't even there sometimes.

If we run into a real hard obstacle we might get frustrated for a while while figuring out how to overcome it but we keep sorting it out.

Once even the hardest obstacle is conquered in comes that feeling of achievement again.

It's like a cycle of sorts.


While we are feeling creative we are excited about what we are about to create.

That creative spirit keeps us looking toward that outcome as we figure out pieces of the puzzle.

Each time we get a piece of it all sorted out we feel awesome cause we have just achieved that step.

The harder the step was, the better and happier we feel about accomplishing it.

Each time we feel that feeling of accomplishment it makes us want to accomplish the next step even more.

Which of course fuels our creativity again completing the cycle and starting over.

As long as we stay focused on our task this cycle of positive energy can last a very long time.

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Those in this world that are the best at it can have this cycle last nearly a lifetime without a real break in it.

The key is to keep your focus.

We are very creative beings and love to create in whatever medium we are familiar with.

Of course this same cycle is being implemented when we are spiraling downward in life as well.

We inadvertently focus on something we really don't want, or that is no good for us.

We don't like it so we think of all the ways we don't like it(creativity) which makes us feel horrible.

Pretty soon we get more of it (achievement), which makes us feel even worse.

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Which in turn leads us to once again think of that thing we don't want and all the ways we don't like it.

Thus creating the same cycle in a negative way.

It is up to us to choose to have this cycle of creativity and achievement in a positive manor or a negative one.

If we want to get ahead and we want to be happy it's clear that utilizing this cycle in a positive way will have the greatest success in our lives.

So you see, having goals and working toward their achievement is a wonderful way to stay happy and fulfilled.


"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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Great post sir plus I like your style of writing this daily inspiration thing from quotes of great men who have stamped their feet in the sands of time.

I love inspiring people, probably going to adopt your style in getting the inspiration out there. Thank you!

Thanks a lot man Adopt away!

Actually we need success stories to get some motivation, thanks for sharing :)

Absolutely mate! The happiness in achieving the goals we've set, is just great! Especially when you dreamed about that goal and work hard for it!

Yea, the more you've put in before achievement the more you appreciate it!

Can apply that to us on a daily basis!

Yea we can!

@michaeldavid - Franklin D. Roosevelt guided the nation through WW2 and the great depression. Brought in many pioneering reforms like the Social security act - if I remember what I have read of America history correctly. No wonder he strongly believe in creative energy. Your selection of his quote is just amazing. You are very correct in mentioning 'creative state' - when the creative juices are flowing, it really feels as if nothing can stop me!
Thanks for the inspirational quote. Upvoted full. Cheers.


He did a lot for our country. It is very true, at our most creative we do feel like nothing can stop us :)

Franklin d. Roosevelt said "we are not always able to build a future for the younger generation, but we can build a future for the younger generation". Thanks for sharing Mr @michaeldavid , upvote and resteem :)

Another great quote! Thanks so much for that @yandot!

FDR is a classic. Great quote too. Thx MD for the daily 😎

yea he is. You bet man, thanks!

Keep it up brother! Upvoted!

You know it man, thanks! Chugga chugga

I've never heard that one but it is a very good quote. Quite a timeless one!

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