in #inspiration6 years ago

There are so many times when little things we do, things we think are minute and aren’t noticeable, give the most part of us away. Judge by how and why first impressions leave a lasting image. They’d say don’t judge a book by its cover but then, most of us are being judged by what we wear, eat, listen to, read and the company of people we keep. Sometimes, we are even judged by our display pictures, lol. There are two kinds of people in this world, those who see just the surface and those who see beneath the surface. Luckily, I’ve met very few people in the second group, luckily because, not everyone would know what I’m hiding, and I kind of like my privacy. But then, it is important to know one person at least, as a friend who knows the sadness behind your smile, or the mask you’re always putting on, or the light you’re not letting out.

So on whatsapp, I put on a display picture that my subconscious had consciously in a way, described my person. Have you ever learned that your subconscious has most of the answers to the questions you always ask yourself, and even has solutions to the problems you have? It’s all in knowing yourself.

Anyways, my crush, lol, Dante and I were having the first normal conversation ever, after he noticed my declarations of my crush in the steemnaira group chat. Guess what, he noticed my display picture and asked why I hid behind the mask, (well, after my father asked when I became a cat, lol). I took it as nothing, but Dante managed to read my subconscious well. In truth, a lot of my past display pictures was of me behind a mask. Dante told me that I would shine brighter without the mask. That was something I had to discover about myself.

I’m not a shy person (according to everyone I’ve ever met in my entire life) but I’m always hiding myself. I have what it takes to be the next super model, or even a music or superstar, but I don’t believe in myself enough and I’m always running away from the light, the action, the drama, my mouth closed, just watching things pass me by. I always concede my thoughts and I don’t really give people the chance to know me well. I like my shell; I am always running home and even away from love.
I am afraid of change. I’m afraid of leaving my comfort zones and opening up to people ( I can’t say that’s my fault, I’ve been hurt by people before). Call this crazy but I actually think about it first before I call anyone or text too, I never do things on impulse; I always have to think about it first. I’m not too comfortable with taking risks, even though I love challenges. I’m just not giving this one life I have my best shot!!! If he didn’t tell me what he said, I probably wouldn’t have noticed what my subconscious was telling me and other people out there. Lucky for me, he, as my friend now, is one of those who see beyond the surface.

We have family and friends all around us, but how many people do we have in our lives, who can remind us to be who we would appreciate later in life? It’s okay to be who we are but are we really using our potentials to the fullest? We can decide to blame other people or the past, frivolous excuses. It’s easy to fit in a schedule that we create for ourselves, but what if things change? What if our schedules no longer fit into our lives? Are you going to keep hiding beneath the mask? Probably fear of not being accepted, or what other people have done to you causing pain, are you going to keep running awa y? Take of that mask and shine!


You seem too share a similar lifestyle with mine. I have always been too careful, thinking before making a move or saying a word just to minimize mistakes...

People see me as quiet, but on the contrary, I just reserve my comments in order to avoid saying something I will regret...

But sometimes, it's better to take off that mask and be yourself and just give yourself to the world...

i guess so buddy

Mask off... mask off Kivar

I'm positive you'll take chances and some risk. I hope it all works well for you.

Takeof the mask and shine.

Test your modelling here on steemit, express your art of music.

Let's see the light

Dante is here No fear


i'll risk it

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