Gravity and Perception

in #inspiration7 years ago

Gravity is the natural tendency of all matter to come together and is an expression of the law of attraction at work on its most basic level. Everything comes together because ultimately everything is on its way back to ALL where there is no perception of individuation. The more energy exerted by a thing, the higher the gravitational pull.

 Even without apparent, focused intent of a sentient being, dense matter exerts greater gravitational pull than less dense matter because there is more condensed energy (atoms) within the 

more dense matter containing more electro-magnetic charges that warp time and space on a greater scale than less dense matter. However, focused intent of a sentient being, even if that intelligence is housed in an apparently small container (example: the human body), can overcome the gravitational pull of an apparently more dense expression of matter via focused intent, because gravity is a reflection of mass, which equals energy, and thoughts
along with associated emotions can generate energy that exceeds the apparent mass of the container called the human body or any other physical container. E-motions are simply energy in motion. Gravity at the root is simply the will of All. As an individual, All is within you, so your potential via will power is ultimately unlimited, therefore your ability to modify time and space is unlimited, which is exactly what gravity does.

 The four fundamental forces of the universe that include gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and electromagnetism, are actually one field of energy with various degrees of expression.  The most subtle expression of gravity is actually much more powerful than the less subtle expressions of electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force.  While certain experiments, such as the static (electromagnetic energy) from your finger being able to overcome the gravity of the entire planet earth by drawing a piece of paper up from the ground, demonstrate the apparent power of electromagnetism over gravity, this proof is actually an illusion.  In actuality, gravity, considered to be the weakest of the four forces, is the foundation upon

which all the other forces come to be.

As mentioned previously, gravity is will or desire of All. When the energy of gravity becomes focused enough, it leads to manifestation of the less subtle energy forms called the weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and electromagnetism. Gravity is the potential energy of all the less subtle forces combined. Gravity actually generates
enough power to create the other forces and then holds those forces in place as can be seen in the formation of galaxies and other star clusters.
As stated before,

 Will is gravity and warps time which is why time changes based on your will and desire, creating the perception of time as moving fast, slow, or being non-existent.   Will can also push away.  When you focus on something, you pull it toward you, and other ‘scenarios’, things, etc. are pushed away from you.  You function like the ‘poles’ of an electro-magnetic charge that can push or pull.  All forms of energy exist within you and throughout the universe and are controlled by you.  The electrical charges that hold atoms together are considered a ‘strong force’ because the root desire

(will power: gravity) that brought them together in the first place in order to allow certain individual experiences utilizing that particular matter was strong, leading to a strong
bond, whereas the desires of individuated incarnations within the illusion of physical experience often exert less will power (gravity) on the atomic building blocks, thus the subtler energy is called a ‘weak force’ by many individual perceivers, however the labels deceive.

 All matter is constantly transformed by the conscious and unconscious desires for certain experiences as part of All.   The observer directly affects the reality of this quantum soup of interconnected waves of vibration (movement), perceived as a point in space/time once observed. Time and space are continuously warped by these desires and the extent of impact is determined by the amount of will power (gravity) involved.  Stronger gravitational force is exerted with more focused intent and desire, eventually overcoming all other ‘forces.’  In essence, this means you can form any condition or state you are currently experiencing into that which fulfills your current desires.  

You are the pottery maker of the universe, while the universe itself is your clay.

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