WHAT IS LIFE TO YOU? Our Perception of the World Today, The Meaning of Life as You See it.

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

What is life? How do we view the world? What do we see when we look at our lives? Are we living to the fullest of our capabilities? Or are we just going through the motions? This is what I'm going to be writing about today guys. Now this could be a really long article, or a really short one. Let's see which way the wind blows..


What is Life?
As the world is today, everyone feels they have a handle on life. Parents today shield their children from the reality of life. Adults today complain that life is hard.. If you ask me, I don't have an explanation for you. Life is everything to me. It is pain, and it is joy. It is poverty and it is riches. It is right and it is wrong. It is cruel, and it is so beautiful. It just is. But let's see what others think of life...

Someone once told me that life is just one big fucked up party. A room of dreams scattered like confetti, where just a few of us are taking care of the rest who are always falling or stumbling around. And the music is always beating too damn loud. But we love it anyway. A place where everyone is always waiting on someone special to walk through the front door, and I don't know if any of this is the truth.

Another man says this of life..

“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” – Alan Watts

In my opinion, this lady painted a very beautiful picture concerning life...

“Life, to me, is the quest for perfect balance. the balance between spontaneity & planning, so that things are fresh enough to avoid monotony, yet stable enough to lead to action. The balance between finding the good in the bad & attending to the bad when everything is good, so that one never becomes too caught up in the sadness or too distracted by life’s fleeting delights. The balance of doing things for you & doing things for other people, so that one may be devoted to themselves & the part of themselves that resides in every person in the universe. The balance of believing, loving, & supporting people, while committing to surrounding yourself with higher vibrations, & understanding that attitudes & vibrations are contagious. & the balance of respecting the multiverse of opinions, while speaking your own truth, so that people may, hopefully, come to see the beauty that is the spectrum of human experience in this life". – Alyssa Rochelle, Student, Santa Monica, CA


So here I ask again, what is life to you? I'd like to know, please drop serious comments. I want us all to look within ourselves and see, are we looking at the world the wrong way? Let's all ask ourselves..


Do we see it as an all consuming string of responsibilities, and demands, and questions, and stress, or as an avenue for adventure? A way to expand ourselves, to look into ourselves and find out who we are? Are we crushed by the weight of life, or awed by it's wonders?

Majority of people walk through this life with constant fears and worries. We fear loosing our jobs, not being good enough, the inability to meet up with certain bills, embarrassment, what other people think about us. Most times, we hide who we are and put up a mask for the world. We let the world shape us, instead of us shaping the world.


Now I am not saying there's anything wrong with these feelings, but allowing them to determine how we live, how we see other people around us in the community, that's the mistake. Life is easy for some, and rough for others. But I urge you all, allow yourself to fall in love with this beautiful ugly life. Sit back amd admire the beauty of it, and learn from the ugliness. Help others. Encourage people to be the best version of themselves they can be. Dare to make the world uncomfortable with your honesty, because the world will be better for it, and you will be better for it.

The world exits as we perceive it. It is not what we see, but how we see it. It is not what we hear, but how we hear it. And it is not what we feel, but how we feel it. - Rumi


In conclusion, I do not know if you are able to understand the point I'm trying to pass across, I may not have all the right words, but in essence I am urging everyone, Let us not be shaped by the circumstances or bad experiences we have gone through. Do not let yourself be shaped by life. Instead, let us all stand tall and happen to life. Let us take a leap of faith. Do things differently. Destroy our comfort zones. Open our minds to endless possibilities. Be brave. Be notorious. Be yourself.

What is life to you?
Please let me know! I would love to see different answers and different perspectives. Let's interact! Thanks for reading!!!



  • This image speaks a lot about this post

...but allowing them to determine how we live, how we see other people around us in the community, that's the mistake...

Further after this sentence you said that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be shaped by the bad experiences we have gone through. There is a saying that "not all fingers are equal", you can't expect people not to allow themselves to be shaped by what is going on because most times they are stuck in such situation, they can only manage to beat through what is going on and not to refuse shaping.

That's the same as not allowing it shape them! They can overcome it.

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