Easter message from Arnie - 5 rules of success!

in #inspiration6 years ago

Top tips from a terminator!

Here's a little vid from Mr Arnold Schwarzenegger (thanks Google for the spelling!). This popped up on Facebook this morning reminding me of a similar one I had seen before which may have been a snippet from a commencement speech… although that one was 6 rules… what happened Arn?! 

This one is from Goalcast which throws up some great vids of various movers and shakers, so worth following them on the Socials.  

You can say what you like about the guy and may not appreciate his particular pursuits or Arnie himself, but we can't argue that he is one of the most successful and well known people of our time. 

He left Austria to make a life in America, no small feat in itself. He dedicated himself to bodybuilding and is the most notable figure from that sport. He decided he wanted to be a movie star, and was told there was no chance. There might be a bit-part role as some sort of 'brute' but nothing major or much in the way of range. Turned out his 'weaknesses' were what made him a bankable star. He then went on to politics and became governor of California. The guy is an animal. 

I got his auto-bio, Total Recall a while back. It's a great book and am probably about a third through, but I got distracted as it's a fairly long read and you need to be invested in it. I wanted to check out some other stuff in the mean time and just haven't got round to finishing it yet (him and Amanda Palmer are on the back burner for now ;)). 

Anyway, here's the clip…

There you go. Arnie knows where it's at. Remember, you don't have to like him or his life choices but you do need to respect him and perhaps apply some of his wisdom. 

Here are the 5 rules in brief which I won't expand upon here, but watch the vid for the full flavour…

  1. Have a vision
  2. Think big
  3. Ignore the naysayers
  4. Work your ass off
  5. Give back

And these were the 6 from the original video I saw… maybe he edited himself over the years, but take note of the first 3 as they differ slightly… let's include them all!

Something to think about for next week ;). 

What do you make of ol' Arnie S, and which is your favourite 'rule'? Anything to add to the mix??

~ Adam



I have always loved Arnold. He is an absolutely amazing force. The Vision is mandatory. How can you reach a goal that you have not set? And when you have achieved the vision? Make a new one. Thank you for sharing this. I needed the reminder at this point in my writing career. My book, The Anchor is the Key is 5 star rated. There is no reason it can't become a best seller. All I have to do is follow the rules. Thank you! Thank you. Thank you!

No worries, thanks for your comment! He is indeed a force… that's a great word to describe him. And good luck with the book!

I can't say I'm a fan of his, but I have to admit he really did what he set his mind to! I could do with a little of his discipline. 🙄

Yeah, he's not to everyone's taste, but he doesn't mess about! I would say he's limited on 'talent' and is restricted in what he can do but he has certainly made the best of it…

That was awesome Adam, thanks for sharing it!

Cheers Craiggles!

Now that you mentioned it, I never taught it like that, but yes, he accomplished success against all odds. One rule that really stuck to me was "Don't be afraid to fail". I keep saying that to myself quite often

Yeah, you can't be afraid to fail. It's inevitable plus necessary. Thanks for stopping by!

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