Bad mood - a way of life

in #inspiration6 years ago


Source: Google images labeled for reuse

There are people who wake up in the morning and are swallowed up by their own negative thoughts. Some call it pessimism, others - depression. For me, this is a way of life. Whether it is unlocked by childhood trauma, whether a protective mechanism or a series of bad happenings, the "bad mood" way of thinking could be a self-destroyer. And the pills are not a way to make it better. The way to "cure" it is by changing your thinking.
Of course, this can not happen from today to tomorrow. At least for most people. In some, these are years of accumulation of negative thoughts and energy, to the extent that they have become an integral part of what they are. And every morning when we awaken and get the "necessary" dose of negativism, we are turning more and more into the vicious circle of bad mood.

Why is it so bad to be extremely negative?

  • Because you miss opportunities. Every day, the universe gives you chances to grow up personally, spiritually or materially, and if you want to evolve, you have to take advantage of these opportunities.

You have opportunity to work in a sector for which you do not have much knowledge. You think right away: "This is not for me, I will not deal with the duties."
What if you decide to try? Perhaps you will meet a good friend for the next 20 years. Maybe you will discover a new passion. Perhaps you will still realize that this work is not for you, but in the meantime you will have accumulated knowledge and experience you have not had before. And trust me, experience is always useful!

  • Because you harm yourself. The power of thought is not to be underestimated. I have experienced it myself from its bad side.If every day for a long period of time you think something bad will happen, it will happen eventually and vice versa. The world around us is as we have imagined it and the limitation of the thoughts brings with itself a limitation of our capabilities.

  • Because it hinders others. Your negativism also affects everyone around you. I guess you've heard about the energy vampires. These are people who drain our energy, causing our emotional harm, often without even knowing about their influence over us. Negativism acts on the same principle. It absorbs the positive energy of others by turning it into a negative one.

How to change?

The change is not 100%. The best thing you can do is find the balance between negative and positive thoughts. Everything should have both: a dose of skepticism and a dose of optimism. Subject anything in doubt, but do not dismiss it immediately. Think about it, try to understand what you are hearing or read. That way you will find your truth about this statement.

Your friend shares with you his admiration of a new business opportunity with high profits expected.
Reaction optimist: "This is your friend, he would not lie to you." Immediately put on what you have.
Reaction pessimist: "This will not succeed. I will lose."
Balance: Consider. Look for information. Measure the risks. Decide.

Balance in every respect is profitable. It is not in vain that every thing in the universe is in balance.

Change is not something we do today for tomorrow. Most of us are waiting for this turning point in our lives that will overturn everything. Then we will wake up with a smile, grateful for another day with our beloved beings. Well, yes, but it happens to very few people. Change is a long process and requires a lot of effort, especially if you have weaker will.

In my opinion, the best way to act is step-by-step. Today, you are focusing on one thing. For example, excessive anger. Think about what causes it and how you can change it. If you think you can not do it yourself, there are so many articles to help you. Search, read, try. Tomorrow, look for information about something else you want to change. Try different methods, read different points of view. So, day by day, month after month, you will begin to clearly see the change that slips into your mind. The only condition for this to happen is to really want it. In fact, if you are ready and highly determined to change, it does not matter which methods you use. It will happen. Every change begins with a simple but strong desire.

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