My Two-Year Steemiversary
two years on the Steem blockchain! Wow, and what a ride it has been so far!

It was @pixelfan who spread the word about Steem on social media site Ello during the summer of 2017, and what he said about Steem sounded too good to be true, that users could earn cryptocurrency just by blogging. So, I did nothing. Then, he came back a couple of months later, said it again, and my curiosity was then peeked. I filled out the request to join the blockchain and only had to wait 24-hours to be approved!

Another milestone was reached recently when I finally hit a Reputation Score of 63. Of course, that is a minor milestone as the Rep scores hardly means anything at all here, for the most part only serving as a measure of how many upvotes someone has received from dolphins and whales with higher Rep-scores. But still, it's another gain in numbers, for what that's worth.
After I'd been here for six months, I had earned 500 SP and went from being a 'plankton/redfish' to being a 'minnow.' After another six months and with a little monetary investment, I had 1000 SP. Earnings since then have been much more sparce than before — I have just over 2000 SP now, but almost half of that last 1000 was purchased by me, here-and-there, as my finances have allowed.
As luck would have it, I bought some at $1.65 because I didn't think it would go any lower, then some more at $0.75 because I didn't think it would go any lower, then some at $0.25 because I didn't think it would go any lower... 😒 Gah!
According to, I have published 537 posts since coming here, written 8,239 comments, and made 10,740 replies. There is no way to know how many Steem-related Discord servers I've been involved with, as I have left some over the past couple of years, but I am in 55 of them now. I am an Administrator or Moderator in 10 or so of them.

How is this "New Steem" so far...? With the new rules, I am seeing less curation rewards since HF21, not more, as we were promised. Upvote values are decreased because of the new rules, too — my recent estimated 3¢ upvote at 100% Voting Power was diminished to a 1.7¢ upvote on one post recently because too many heavy-hitters arrived at the post before I did, slashing my 100% upvote to a pittance of what the author deserved for their hard work. I have been immensely disappointed in that same way, over-and-over. And, of course, with upvote values going into the toilet like that, it's only logical that curation rewards are following, down the toilet, too.
HOWEVER, I still see great potential here, as I did when I first came on-board, so long as we don't ruin it with greed and petty differences. I considered myself in this for the long-haul, even before I invested the first penny into the platform. So, STEEM ON! Or, as spoken at the end of every installment of the "Curation Corner" radio show in TheRamble discord server:
"Go forth and Steemiate!"

Congratulations, @thekittygirl!!
Ohhhhhh, Happy 720th day on SpaceShip Steemit!!!!
Thanks for presenting this on #pypt @pypt
Thanks for sharing and engaging with Pimp Your Post Thursday.
You’ve earned SHADE tokens
Good morning @thekittygirl!
Congratulations on the two years! I have been here a few months longer, as I cam in June, but, yes, the experience has been much the same. I think what really spoiled it for us was the really good times where even as a minnow, my upvote was way bigger than it is now! Oh, those were the good times! I hadn't a clue what was going on, but, I was enjoying it!
The change is different than what I wanted, but, I actually do seem to be getting better rewards. I have not had the time to sit and analyze it, but, I can see my steem grow daily, something it wasn't doing before.
So perhaps there is hope. I was a little miffed about my vote going to nearly nothing, but, continue to do things much the same as I ever did. So. I raise my glass to all of us and wish us luck!!
Happy Steemversary!!
!tip 1.00
Happy Anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you @thekittygirl!
Thank you for all your knowledge and support!
Congratulations!!! ^_^ Many more years to come... c",)
You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.
Thank you so much! 🤗
Happy Steemversary @thekittygirl
On the New Steem: I've been on the blockchain only about 2 months longer than you, so our experience is roughly similar. I joined and disappeared because it was a rough swirly sea. I couldn't even begin to swim. I disappeared and then came back - because of PHC. Anyhow, all that's in past posts. Where I'm going is this: being part of communities is essential (I'm still not convinced about the tribe notion), but I came here as an already relatively established blogger - not to curate. The notion was foreign, but now I've begun to understand it, I like it. However, "proper" (a topic for another time) curation takes IMHO as much time as creation. If I could spend all on Steemit, I'd curate. I can't so I stick to my preferred, and original thing - content creation.
I've rambled, but the point is: I came to create and since HF21/22, I'm spending the same amount on content creation, possibly less because I'm doing it properly, and I'm seeing better returns. So far. I'm still commenting and voting and I'm doing it manually because I want to choose where I vote and where I vote I want to engage. Those returns, last time I checked, were negligible. The always were. So, in summary, and so far, the New Steem has been good to me.
Hope that all makes sense and, again, happy anniversary
I agree.. mind you, I'm a new account who became active a few weeks before the hardfork, so I don't have anything better to compare my returns too, I'm used to what the HF brings.. I'm quite satisfied with my continually growth and earnings though.
And you're right, curation and communities are integral and very important here. Have to give to get.
Welcome to Steemit @karma.scribbles and thank you. If you're relatively new then you were, happily, spared the vagaries of the bid bots and some of the bullies associated with them. That is one aspect of the New Steem I didn't mention and which has really made me happy. No need to dwell on that.
Hope that your time here is fulfilling.
Congratulations on the second anniversary! It's great to hear that people have stick around through the tough times!
Pleasure to have met you... Thanks for being!
Congratulations on your 2 years!!!