Meet yourself
Finding yourself is like finding a long lost best friend.... oddly enough most people have never really met themselves. They see themselves as to how they see themselves, but are afraid to speak with their inner true self... why? That’s hard to say, but maybe they are ashamed or just fearful of the unknown that lies in the (supposed) void of the mind/Soul.
Talking to yourself is healthy, as long as you are speaking to yourself with love respect and appreciation. There are advanced levels of practice for qi gong practitioners but in general speaking to yourself is actually a key for happiness and success!
The inner you know all about what you want and how to get there, so when you learn to talk to your conscience/higher self/heaven, it helps you get to where you want to go much faster. But heaven will not shout to get your attention, it’s your job to slow down and listen to the quiet inner voice inside... Listen and you will realize that nobody is ever really alone in this life...