AI InkTober 21: Rhinoceros
The 21st prompt for #inktober is "rhinoceros."
I do not live in Africa and have never encountered a rhinoceros; so I really don't anything about the critters. Other than the obvious observation that one should avoid the pointy end.
It is political season. Right Wing pundits use the acronym "Republican In Name Only" (RINO) for Republicans who they dislike. As Trump often is at odds with the RINOs, I thought I would generate political cartoons (aka #meme).
I asked Night Cafe to produce some memes with Trump facing down RINOs. It generated the image at the top of the page with Trump facing a six legged rhinoceros.
I tried removing the extra legs to no avail. As this was a political cartoon, I thought the extra legs were fitting.
Night Cafe also produced the rhino below. It had an extra eye that I tried to remove with GIMP.
AI images are considered by the courts as near public domain. Feel free to use the images.
AI does not appreciate political humor. I think the best way to produce memes would be to generated isolated elements of a cartoon then to assemble these elements with GIMP.