You speak Spanish no truth? I teach you 128 examples of verbs, so that it was you easy learn the Spanish

in #ingles7 years ago

Hello Fellow of steemit, learning these 128 verbs them sera but easy learn the Spanish.

I expect it was them of a lot of utility.

1 Add, sumar
2 Administrate, administrar
3 Agree, estar de acuerdo
4 Answer, responder
5 Appreciate, apreciar
6 Arrive, llegar
7 Ask, pedir o preguntar
8 Attend, asistir
9 Attract, atraer
10 Beg, rogar
11 Believe, creer
12 Belong, pertenecer
13 Board, abordar
14 Boil, hervir
15 Broil, asar
16 Call, llamar
17 Carry, llevar
18 Change, cambiar
19 Chat, charlar
20 Claim, reclamar o afirmar
21 Clean, limpiar
22 Climb, subir o escalar
23 Close, cerrar
24 Collect, coleccionar
25 Compete, competir
26 Complete, completar
27Confirm, confirmar
28 Consider, considerar
29 Continue, continuar
30 Cook, cocinar
31 Copy, copiar
32 Cross, cruzar
33 Decide, decidir
34 Declare, declarar
35 Decorate, decorar
36 Demand, exigir
37 Discuss, discutir
38 Dress, vestirse
39 Elect, elegir
40 Eliminate, eliminar
41 Employ, dar trabajo
42 Enjoy, gozar o disfrutar
43 Enter, entrar
44 Entertain, entretener
45 Exchange, intercambiar
46 Excuse, disculpar
47Expect, esperar
48 Extend, extender
49 Fasten, fijar o sujetar
51 Fill, llenar
52 Finish, terminar
53 Greet, saludar
54 Guess, adivinar
55 Help, ayudar
56 Hope, esperar
57 Import, importar
58 Introduce, presentar
59 Invite, invitar
60 Join, unirse
61 Land, aterrizar
62 Like, gustar
63 List, listar
64 Live, vivir
65 Look, mirar o parecer
66 Love, amar
67 Mail, enviar por correo
68 Manufacture, fabricar
69 Mention, mencionar
70 Miss, extrañar
71Move, mover, mudarse
72 Obtain, obtener
73 Open, abrir
74 Order, ordenar
75 Pack, empacar
76 Paint, pintar
77 Park, estacionarse
78 Perform, ejecutar
79 Pick, coger
80 Plan, planear
81Play, jugar
82 Prefer, preferir
83 Prepare, preparar
84 Print, imprimir
85 Process, procesar
86 Produce, producir
87 Promise, prometer
88 Prove, probar
89 Provide, proveer
90 Pull, tirar
91 Reach, llegar a
92 Receive, recibir
93 Recommend, recomandar
94 Reduce, reducir
95 Register, registrar
96 Remember, recordar
97Rent, rentar
98 Require, requerir
99 Reserve, reservar
100 Return, volver o devolver
101 Roast, asar
102 Roll, rodar
103 Sail, navegar
104 Save, salvar o ahorrar
105 Separate, separar
106 Serve, servir
107 Share, compartir
108 Smoke, fumar
109 Start, comenzar
110 Stop, detenerse
110 Study, estudiar
111 Suggest, sugerir
112 Supply, suministrar
113Suppose, suponer
114 Surprise, sorprender
115 Talk, hablar
116 Thank, agradecer
117 Travel, viajar
118 Try, tratar
119 Type, escribir a máquina
120 Use, usar
121 Visit, visitar
122 Vote, votar
123 Wait, esperar
124 Walk, caminar
125 Want, querer
126 Watch, observar
127 Wish, desear
128 Work, trabajar

I expect it was them of a lot of utility and thank you for going through my post.

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