My predictions - Drain The Swamp For My Birthday

in #infromationwar7 years ago (edited)

I think things will "resolve" before March 1st (but since this is when the OIG report is supposedly due, maybe by the end of March) my prediction is still mid-February. Just in time to celebrate my birthday!

My Predictions

  • I am basing these predictions on the assumption that there are "white hats" in the security community...a "Q-lite" perspective (see below).
  • The FISA memo will be released, along with supporting documentation
  • Trump , through Sessions will fire Mueller. President Hawaiian Judge or the 9th may try to injunct, but they will be ignored.
  • Strok, Priestap, McCabe, Comey, Page, the Ohrs, Baker, Abedin, Mills, Podesta, Rice, Power, Blumenthal, Sullivan, and other 2nd to bottom tier members of the DOJ, the FBI, The Obama NSC, and Clinton's staff at State, will be prosecuted.
  • The charges will range from conflict of interest, obstruction of justice, and violations of the Espionage Act
  • Obama, Clinton, Mueller, and Rosenstein will not be prosecuted; they will make deals in which they sell out their followers, but the details will remain sealed. They will step down from offices and/or withdraw from public life completely with the understanding that their involvement in the crimes will be prosecuted should they violate the agreement...sort of a double secret probation.
  • There will be no further investigation into other possibilities like pedogate


It is my belief that Trump is serious about cleaning out the corruption from the government; he also wants this to be as peaceful as possible, and keep the rift it will cause as minimal as can be. This is why Trump didn't start out the gate by firing everyone involved, which, IMO, would have set off a civil war. It was necessary for the public to be aware of the DOJ/FBI subversion of justice through means other than Trump himself.

The DOJ/FBI had to be publicly and legally cleaned out before Trump could move on any other area; I believe that the court system is next.

Inspector General Horowitz may release his report early; he supposedly provided Congress with over a million pieces of documentary evidence last week. It is my understanding that he was in constant conflict with the Obama administration and it's constant refusal to let him do his job.

Sessions may or may not be a Deep State plant, he may be compromised, he may be overwhelmed, or he may just be laying in wait to strike. I have no opinion on this other than we shall see.

Mueller may be compromised by his failure to act in the Uranium One scandal, but I do not believe he is secretly in league with Trump. I will be wrong happily if that is actually the case.

So I think we will see a partially limited prosecution, and an attempt by Trump to keep the division in our country under the lid.

That last goal is impossible...

My Suggestions

  • Trump should build a team from Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division and Counter Intelligence specialties to fully investigate the DOJ/FBI; this will have to be approved by Congress, IIRC. He should appoint a Special Prosecutor from this group. If Congress does not approve this, Trump should discharge them, deputize them as US Marshals, and proceed.

    A) This team should be used to clean out the court system after a thorough scrubbing of the DOJ/FBI (with a new and specific mandate)
    B) Then move on to the DHS
    C) Then move onto the media and it's collusion with the DNC
    D) Rinse and repeat for each government agency
    E) At some point, those Republicans that betrayed their constituencies need to be investigated for bribery from the Chamber of Commerce and other influences will need to be investigated as well.
  • Trump should NOT deal out the top tier traitors; they need to be publicly punished.
  • Trump should include treason charges wherever possible, and seek the death penalty in those cases. Any of these officials that dealt with Iran in an illegal manner should be charged with treason due to Quods war against American soldiers in Iraq and Hezbollah terror funding in America itself.
  • If the democong front groups decide to riot, let them. Then let the line,both military and LE, deal with them as necessary. I'm sure that individual veterans and groups like Oath Keepers will be glad to help preserve public order.
  • Prosecute all sanctuary city politicians and burrocrats for violating 8 USC 1324, the harboring of illegals
  • Prosecute every politician or burrocrat that ordered a stand down during democrat inspired riots, or attacks on Trump supporters at rallies for both failure to uphold their offices and for civil rights violations
  • Reopen all previous investigations of the Obama administration (IRS, Fast and Furious, spying on journalists, etc) that were "cleared" by this corrupt DOJ.
  • Prosecute all Democrat party functionaries with RICO charges
  • Pull all taxpayer support from any Hollywierd or "news" project
  • Pull all public support from all democrat front groups masquerading as NGOs
  • Pull all public funding that has not been verified to support citizens at 100%

We have to go hard or go home, and we won't have a home left if we leave ANY deep state/leftist/globalist infection in our system

Something we should not let go of

If "our" politicans don't enforce the law, they should consider Hobbe's quote from Leviathan

The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.

Or translated into Ispeakee...
Citizens expect the rule of law to protect them just as much as it does the politicians...if the politicians aren't willing to enforce the law to protect the citizen, why should any citizen respect the laws protecting the politicians?


I'm going to change this up - instead of a link to specific articles, I'm going to give you the best two sites for covering what is going on. Browse at your own speed lol. I will link you to my article on RICO'ing the democrats
Dystopia USA - look for The Storm articles
The Conservative Treehouse
The RICO case against the Democratic Party


Interesting times coming. In retrospect, it was smart for President Trump to keep Mueller where he is. In a dicey situation, PR-wise, it is best to give the other fellow enough rope to hang himself & then bide your time.

There's a theory going 'round that the histrionics amount to a sideshow, allowing President Trump to get things done in relative peace.

Sessions may or may not be a Deep State plant, he may be compromised, he may be overwhelmed, or he may just be laying in wait to strike.

Another possibility: Sessions is too nice a guy for the role that's been thrust upon him. At the very least, he looks like a nice guy.

I bet he is. Often, the pols portrayed as monsters by the liberal media are nice guys.

Agreed on all three points.

Theres a buddy-buddy virus that infects Senators almost as soon as they open the door(Chamber of Commerce money?? ;> )

and with Sessions, I just don't have a sense of which possibility is right...might not even have gotten his motive in my range

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins (ya, I know...)
Relevance: war against the deep state
Our Purpose

Great predictions!

An upvote would have expressed that sentiment better... now it kind of feels spammy with that large attention grabbing gif...

...and that's why you rock, Dave ;>

Very interesting post

"It is my belief that Trump is serious about cleaning out the corruption from the government"
Yet he continues to promote Illegal wars, the war on Drugs and the support of the Israeli terrorist state like his life depended on. And that's just it, it does because he is a puppet and anything else requires evidence to prove. You are still stuck on the pipe dream 'Trump Train'. Either that or willfully ignorant.

if the point of the article is that he couldn't move w/o cleaning out DOJ/FBI, then you didnt read it, and I really dont take people seriously that whine about Israel w/o addressing Palestinian terror

Nor do I give much of a shit about the Drug War; yes, it's counter to the spirit of this country, and it's inefficient, and it's an engine of corruption... but
A) it's not a priorty compare4d to cleaning out the deep state
B) if potheads actually got out engaged with folks instead of zig heiling their Ron Paul posters and shrieking sheeple at anyone that disagreed with them, maybe they could get enough people to realize how stupid the war is and decriminalize drugs by voting for it

In any case, we'll know in a couple of months, and if things dont get moving, there is another alternative discussed at the bottom of the article

I'm sorry that I get online w/o parroting your approved Narrative...sorry, really, truly ;>

  1. Palestinians can't be terrorists while defending their country granted via the UN 1947.
  2. I can't take anyone serious who overlooks the fundamental terrorism Israel has caused not only Palestine, but the entire Middle East and the United states (USS Liberty, 9/11)
  3. The "Deep State" is Dual National Zionists which a large number happen to make up most of Trumps office he brought in.
  4. Your idea of Marijuana use is Hilariously stereotypical and not an argument.
  5. You can say what ever you wan't, but that does not mean someone will not challenge your "Beliefs" Thats how we find out if what we are basing them on are facts or hope.

Last thing, Trump will not carry out any action that is not beneficial for his handlers. Maybe toss a few bones here and there to make the voters happy but nothing that will equate to real change.

He will not end the criminal Federal Reserve, he will not remove the Goldman Sachs bankers he put in the white house. He will not stop giving billions to Israel for "defense". He will not end any foreign occupation unless he starts another one. He will not demilitarize the police state. He will not separate the corporations that are in bed with the government. He will not hold accountable the criminal bankers of 2008 and 2012. He will not jail Hilary or Podesta or any of these war criminals or pedos at the top and if anyone it will be some lackeys for show. He will not erase unconstitutional gun laws. He will not reopen the case into 9/11 or any other American or foreign False Flag. He will not stop Illegal coups of UN member states .....ect ect ect, so on and so forth. Anything truthers are supposed to stand for are not on 'Trumps' list of priority's and never will be! He lied like ever president did to appease voters another 4 years. He is just continuing the left right paradigm. He is still carrying out the same bullshit Obama did before him yet he is supposed to be some savior. Its a fucking joke!

we shall see. I'll know if I'm wrong by the end of March

You can say what ever you wan't, but that does not mean someone will not challenge your "Beliefs" Thats how we find out if what we are basing them on facts or hope.


estimated reading time - 5 minutes

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