in #infowar4 years ago

Democrats claim that the reason that Joe Biden is staying in his basement and only reading material prepared or him by his handlers is the Pandemic.


Keeping Joe in the basement is actually Democrat Biden Saving (hereinafter “B. S.”)

Frankly, if the patriot had a candidate as lousy as Joe Biden, we too would opt to keep him in a basement, under wraps to prevent him from exposing more problems or being exposed.

Let us analyze Joe’s problems as a lousy candidate for president.


Joe Biden was accused in graphic detail of the physical abuse of Tara Reade, an aid in the U. S. Senate.

If this accusation is true the abuse would constitute rape and would not be barred by the Statute of Limitations.

For weeks Joe was widely condemned for not speaking out on this accusation.

Finally, the Biden camp caved to pressure and did an interview on this subject.

Although the interview was conducted by the Democrat friendly MSNBC, the interview went badly for Joe Biden.
On Friday, May 1, Joe Biden appeared by video link for a 15 minute interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski a supporter of Democrats.

Joe sat in his basement and read a bland “Clintonesq” denial that he (Joe Bien) never had sex with that woman Tara Reade. This could have been the original denial speech given years ago by Bill Clinton with the names changed to …
The interview continued as Mika began to ask about the written reports about the Tara Reads claim that she filed a complaint.

Joe answered by saying that there was no complaint in the records of the Senate.

When, Mika asked Joe about all of his records and papers in the 20 boxes of files that he donated to the University of Delaware, Joe suddenly became wide eyed with fear, looking like a deer in the headlights.

Mika recommended that the Delaware files be reviewed.

Joe’s obviously panicky response in a very shaky .voice was: “ho would review those files?”

Democrat defense team suddenly went to work with ridiculous moments.

The New York Times suggested that such a review should be conducted by an “independent” panel comprised of persons selected by the Democrat Party National Committee.

Amusing as that moronic suggestion might be any review of the Delaware files would now be too late because Biden operatives are known to have been rooting through those files and are likely to have removed any damaging evidence.

The next laughable defense was posited by The Barak Obama team.

The Obama team claimed that they had thoroughly vetted Joe Biden when Obama was considering selecting Joe to be his vice president and none of this information was found.

The fact that in 2008 when that vetting allegedly occurred is not surprising that the 201 sexual misconduct of Joe Biden (a full decade after that vetting was not discovered.

Thereafter sexual misdeeds of Joe Biden were discovered.

During 2020, Joe Biden was videotaped hugging women in his presence, engaging in unwanted touching and sniffing the hair of strange women those women claimed that these activities of Joe Biden made these women uncomfortable. Coincidentally, those are the same words used by Tara Reade. Biden made her feel uncomfortable.

Then too, there are the contemporaneous declarations regarding the rape.

The presence of provable contemporaneous declarations and other contemporaneous evidence are an important elements in sexual misconduct prosecutions.

Tara Reade told her neighbor about the Biden indent, just after the incident occurred. That neighbor has been interview and verifies Tara’s contemporaneous declaration.

Tara told another friend. That other friend has been interview and verifies Tara’s contemporaneous declaration.

Tara told her brother, who is still living. He too recalls Tara’s contemporaneous complaint to him.

And Tara told her mother, who the immediately called in to Larry King Live. The video tape o that call-in has been replayed on television on many occasions recently So even though Tara’s mother is now deceased, there is a record of Tara having told her story to her mother around the same time period as the time of the alleged incident.

How demeaning that Biden committed this heinous act of pinning Tara against a wall in the U.S Senate building itself.

Biden claims that he does not remember this incident.

Actually, that could be true.

Biden has become so senile, that Biden is never sure which city he is I today or what he did


During the time when Joe Biden was vice president and John Kerry was secretary of State Joe Biden’s son was publicly given a multi-billion dollar contract by the Communist Chinese Government. That contract was for the benefit of Rosemont-Seneca a start-up investment advisory company (no experience)

Rosemont-Seneca is owned jointly by Hunter Biden (Joe’s son) and Christopher Heinz (John Kerry” stepson).

Soon after that bribe Joe publicly declared: “The Chinese are not going to eat our lunch, they are not bad guys.”

Immediately after President Trump saw the pandemic and closed our borders to the Chinese, Joe Biden called president Trump a xenophobe and declared that the Chinese were innocent.

The Chinese have learned that buying people is an effective way to control messages (for example the head of the U.N.’s World Health Organization).

We also observe Nancy Pelosi trying to help China, by thwart President Trump’s efforts to restart the American economy by sitting in her Pacific Heights mansion paid for by Communist Chinese payments to Nancy’s husband and refusing to bring the House of Representatives back from vacation declared by her.

In the interim Nancy haw done several interviews in front of her humongous refrigerator in her mansion talking about the ice cream which she keeps in that refrigerator.

Sean Hannity has offered to supply ice cream to Nancy to encourage Nancy to return to Washington DC to reopen the House of Representatives.


Sean Hannity has apparently accepted the ice cream fantasy.

During the pandemic, TV viewers have seen the refrigerated trucks stationed outside of hospitals in Elmhurst, Queens, NY to receive the bodies of the deceased victims of Coronavirus.

Dead bodies are regularly kept refrigerated.

Anyone who has recently hooked at the cadaverous face of Nancy Pelosi can reasonably conclude that hat humongous refrigerated in not where Nancy keeps ice cream, it is where Nancy’s keepers keep Nancy.

In light of her recently incompetent comments, her mechanical gestures and cadaverous appearance, one could conclude that Nancy died sometime this year and that her body now covers a robot (perhaps controlled by the Chinese) which would really make her a puppet of the Communist Chinese, but this essay is about Joe Biden.

Note that Nancy also claimed that Joe Biden was innocent by presenting her unconvincing evidence that she knows Joe. We note that she also knows of all of the videotapes of Joe engaging in sexual misconduct with women and Joes statements about how Joe enjoys young boys playing with the hair on Joe’s legs.

Yes Nancy does know Joe but a recommendation from that Trump hating liar is hardly exculpatory for Joe’s sexual misconduct

Remember it was Nancy who kept the committees which should have been focused on the pandemic, focused on “impeachment “ charade while the pandemic was brewing The Senate Intelligence Committee was also asleep at the switch while the pandemic was brewing. That Senate intelligence committee is chaired by Diane Feinstein whose wealth comes from her husband’s contracts with the Chinese Communists.


(Biden family profiteering)

The record is repeat with evidence of Joe Biden’s family profiteering on Joe’s political office either Zoë’s assistance and participation
These family members involved in Joe’s dirty deals include:

Joe’s older brother, Frank, who leveraged Joe’ position as Vice president to become a player In Sun Fund, a company which garnered a contract to construct solar powered utilities in Costa Rica.

Joe’s younger brother, James, who while having had no previous experience in construction, suddenly became an executive in Hill Stone, International , a construction company, which received a lucrative construction contract from the Amirian government to build 100,000 houses in Iraq, plus a $22 million dollar contract from the American government to “manage” those housing units.

Joe’s sister. Valarie Biden Owens, had a neat way to make money. She was the manager of Joe’s political campaigns and siphoned money from campaign contributions to pay Slade White to arrange campaign television advertising. Guess who owned a large lice of Slade White?

Then there is Joe Biden’s sn-in-law. Dr. Howard Krein.

Howard was an executive of a company called Startup Health, which advised firms becoming involved in the health industry and provided political access to those companies in exchange for “a piece” of the ownership of those companies.

We wonder how this gig impacted on pandemic needs.

Many of the meetings among Joe Biden’s family members and relevant members of the US government and foreign leaders were held by Joe in Obama’s oval office.

Then of course there were Hunter Biden political “deals.”


It has been sad to watch the mental decline of Joe Biden.

He is no longer able to remember the simplest details of thing he is talking about, he garbles the simplest comments It has become so bad that Joe’s wife, Jill Biden, frequently accompanies Joe during Joe’s public appearances so that she can stop Joe when he begins to mentally stumble (So much so that he is frequently present daring his public appearance has to stop Joe from rambling incoherently (Sort of like the guy with the hook during the 1920’s and 1930’s stage shows.)

Joe now even fails to read his scripts coherently.

Can anyone realty imagine this doddering incompetent dealing with world leaders on our behalf.

Even back in the days when Joe still had his old level of brain power remember he and Barack favored the terribly flawed Pan- Pacific trade deal, which would have favored China,
The Paris Global warming accord, which would do nothing to save the word, but would have resulted in the U. S. taxpayers paying billions to other countries

Obama-Biden favored NAFTA now replaced by the bi-partisan US Mexico Canada trade deal and the nonproliferation deal with Iran, which has been a total failure and the dumping of billions of unmarked bills into the hands of the mullahs

(By the way no president can spent money unless that expense is authorized by Congress.

What congressional legislation authorized this expenditure?

Then there is another very serious legal problem, namely, the Obama-Biden involvement in the Governmental harassment of Candida Donald Trump and those who participated in the Trump political campaign for president is becoming a serious legal problem for Barack Obama and Joe Biden

What did they know and when did they know it?
What did they do (meaning what role did Obama an Biden have in authorizing foreign intrigue, which requires presidential approval)

Clearly, the democrat should be Hidin' Biden and the Democrats should follow the lead of Jill Biden and give Joe the hook.

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