Demonstration - Amsterdam
The weather wasn't as great as it was on September 5th, 2021 the day many demonstrated about the restrictions, discrimination based on an emergency law which started November 2020.
The emergency is? Well, no one knows. The epedimic is over since May 2020.
Numbers might lie but facts don't. The fact is the IC is not overcrowded. The fact is hospital beds are not. The fact is the minister doesn't care and is deaf, he cannot accept "NO". So no matter what the court will say tomorrow the minister (a guy with just a paper for being a teacher on a primary school) will do as he likes. He doesn't care about health. He doesn't care about the elderly and vulnerable. He doesn't care about healthy people, pregnant women or children (unborn included).
Moderna and Pfizer both warn in their own papers against their vaccine. They call it gen therapy themselves... One of them even wrote a pregnant woman should not be near any vaccinated person. Why did they wrote that.
I wonder how come we refused to see how we are used, how blind we are and are the first to call the police/government to hand someone over. Is this the result of all those anomynous phonelines? Are we already so used to them we easily pick up our phone and say our neighbour is a threat to the community?
It surprised me to hear how many said they didn't see this one come 6 months ago. How can that be? Where have these people been hiding? I thought I was the one living underneath a stone. Sunday October 3, 2021 was a great day. Again it felt more like a party, a reunion of people filled with love and joy. No agression at all although the mediastream tried again to paint it as a meeting of extremists.
If you ask me world war III started and being friendly, filled with love will not impress the minister. The moment will arrive people will fight for their life. Can be even more are killed but at least it will be a death as a result of a fight for freedom.
A fight others fight even for those who look down on them, the traitors, liars, gossipers.