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RE: Airlines Burning Thousands Of Gallons Of Fuel Flying Empty 'Ghost' Planes

in #informationwar5 years ago

The airlines being forced to keep plane in the air is because of government requirements. Government is always wasting resources.

The free market has nothing to do with government. Government is force, the free market it voluntary.

If there is something to be mad about for wasting fuel, be mad at government.


exactly dude ! thanks uavs for your wise comments ! this is the crap shit those fucking statists always want to shit us in.

  1. fucking get away with those slots, fucking put everyone on temporary leave @home so they don't spread the virus, focus on cargoes runs...

that's it !

secondly this fucking muppet poster doesn't even get that the market isn't free... it's a fucking cleptocracy run by an aristocracy raping children on islands backed by fiat printed money to infinity....

this is the biggest scam ever, and now they run a depopulation agenda....

and what the fuck is the force doing? nothing !

they fucking are dreamin !

what did they do against the child rapists? fucking nothing... traitors.

that's it.

secondly this fucking muppet poster doesn't even get that the market isn't free

As long as money exists collusion of special interests is here to stay -- 4000 years of history prove it
According to the Natural Laws, the input and output must remain balanced
Because value is subjective, value can only exist if there is a monopoly on value, which is also why collusion cannot be prevented
Profit-seeking makes problems more profitable, so the market cannot and will never fix itself. Honest and conscious capitalism springs from cognitive dissonance. . and all of this makes the abolition of money absolutely rational.

Therefore money was never meant to protect freedom but power. The flaws are embedded in monetarism - this is the premise I go by.

There is a lot more to say but I don't have the time to discuss further...

however, I suggest that you read more of my blog instead

Because value is subjective, value can only exist if there is a monopoly on value, which is also why collusion cannot be prevented

this is a contradictory statement. I hope you will grow up and realize it one day...

(ex : if you have too much weed and not enough corn what has the most value?).

Profit-seeking makes problems more profitable, so the market cannot and will never fix itself.

Markets are run by merchants, merchants are human beings and wish that their children or wives sisters and families goes to other merchants find products that are suitable for selling.

otherwise they are domestic enemies or market infiltrators.

ex : if I sell curry and your sell curcumin, I hope that when I go buy your stuff, I don't get poison, and if you do, I will expose you to the market authority to get you hanged, crucified or decapitated.


money is a form of accounting, better than money is trust, or "credit". when the one having exposed many illegal merchants or criminal merchants on a floor, ex those capturing market customers to sell them into slavery, spice lacers, and fake what ever, say that this new merchants is dubious, credibility is warranted and investigation ensue...

the true currency of the floor, is trust.


however, I suggest that you read more of my blog instead

I suggest you stop your propaganda, and it's a neuropathing trained on you, I suggest, you start to focus on your thoughts... find the flows that leads you and start to watch or feel it... then feel how you feel on what you see feel... become.

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