Greta Thunberg Soros supported and very likely funded as well

in #informationwar5 years ago

Do you think its "weird" a random 16 year old has over 1 million followers in a short amount of time and is having media speaking engagements every day??? She also seems to be a keynote speaker at many of these events with huge turnouts.

Here is her handler/coach that is Soros funded:

Also, lets talk about many of the "marches" world wide and how it was student protestors. Wonder why? Most older students would see a great opportunity to get out of class and do nothing but hang out, so they will take it. The other thing is that their teachers "teach" them about "climate change". Here is an example of some teachers straight up admiting they said "orange man bad" and climate change yada yada.


Highly rEsteemed!

Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 11.12.05 PM.png

Yup, good expose here. Kids are used as a role model. Kids trust other kids. It's creepy they way this is all being pushed. Great post!

Sent 200 SP over the past couple weeks, and now I can't seem to get curated...?

Nobody is using Greta to do anything. She writes her own speeches and follows her own conscience. Sure, Greta needed help with her campaign, so she got herself an assistant. What about it? Does she get help with proofreading? Her dad helps her with that. How about scheduling events, transportation, and lodging? Of course, her assistant does that. But, is Soros telling her what to say? Not a chance. Maybe Soros had his hand in Ferguson and Charlottesville among other smaller protests. About 321 people were arrested at Ferguson, and much fewer at Charlottesville. Worldwide, the people at Greta's events number in the millions. Even if he spent his entire fortune, Soros could not have put this together. This is a bonafide grassroots movement. People are just tired of being lied to. It will require trillions of dollars over decades to mitigate the effects of climate change, and only governments have that kind of money. But, politicians won't act unless enough people wake up to the danger and push for action. So, I would strongly encourage everyone to first get informed on the climate change crisis and then do whatever you can to support the activists.

I've been following the climate change debate for close to 3 years now, and I think I'm fairly well informed on it. The climate scientists have been sounding the alarm for literally decades, but they have not been very successful at reaching the public. Greta is carrying and publicizing the climate scientists' message, and she's resonating with the public. Only the climate scientists and informed citizens really know that the significance of her efforts cannot be overstated.


  1. Greta is 16 years old and though she is very well studied on the subject of climate change, she is not and never claimed to be an authority. She is simply asking people to inform themselves on the data and empirical evidence presented by the climate scientists.
  2. Nobody is using Greta to do anything. She writes her own speeches and follows her own conscience. True, she has Asperger's, and yet, she is poised, articulate, knowledgeable, and passionate during her public addresses. She's an exceptionally high functioning individual, whose integrity, intellect, maturity, and drive is quite obvious to those who aren't triggered by her youthful appearance and unassuming demeanor, as the speaker in this video clearly is. Breath buddy, come up for air.
  3. Greta is not an enemy of the system, true enough. Thanks buddy, for actually being honest. Greta is not fighting the system. She's trying to awaken the populace and motivate the system to deal with the crisis. Nothing will happen until enough people wake up and push for action from the politicians. It will cost trillions of dollars over decades to deal with the crisis and only governments have that kind of money, so we need the governments' cooperation. If anything, Greta is trying to save the system and humanity from it's own ignorance, dysfunction, and corruption.
  4. Greta is getting a massive amount of media attention. Another honest statement. Greta is carrying and publicizing the climate scientists' message about the climate change crisis, and she's obviously doing great at that. Whoops, now the speaker is saying a bunch of religious BS. I mean - wow, just wow!
  5. Greta has assistants, not handlers, and collaborates with climate scientists. But as I said, nobody is using her to do anything. She is following her own conscience, writes her own speeches, and decides her own schedule. Greta is currently traveling with her father, who helps her with proofreading her speeches. Her assistants help with scheduling events, transportation, etc. So here's a picture of Greta and her parents wearing T-shirts that say "Antifascist." They don't say ANTIFA, do they? I'm also an antifascist, like most people. I thought it was a good thing. If Greta and her father had traveled by air, they would have been bombarded by screams of HYPOCRITE by the triggered ignoramuses, much like what happened to Al Gore, who actually was a hypocrite. Even if Greta and Savante had traveled on the KON TIKI raft, the idiots would have accused them of releasing CO2 by breathing, and methane (CH4) by farting.
  6. People are saying you are insecure about Greta because of her youth and gender. Maybe it's the truth. Have you discussed the science of climate change, at all? No, because you have no argument, and that's why you resort to personal attacks. Anyways, you will make a quick buck off some clueless idiots, which is your main reason for making this video.
  7. Did you just say Greta's mother is pimping out her daughter? Okay, that seals it for me. MORON!

This has to be one of the oddest hallucinations I have seen in awhile, you put a bunch of words in my mouth that I simply didn't say at all "did you just say Greta's mother is pimping out her daughter?" no I fucking didn't anywhere in the post.

"This is a DISINFORMATION and PROPAGANDA video." My post isn't even a video, how badly are you hallucinating? WTF LOL?

You can trust your eyes my dude, Antifascist shirt is Antifa.

Her shirt is a popular shirt antifa wears. It also references ",No Parasan" on the shirt, which goes back to the Spanish Civil war where the leftist party took over. They used that saying to mean none shall pass as they killed everyone.

I don't expect most people to know this kind of thing to begin with, it's very drilled down details that take awhile to look up. But she is wearing a popular antifa garment, as well as her parents are in the photos. She posted those photos on her Twitter and later deleted them when she was called out for the violent antifa shirt.

Would be more than happy to discuss some facts but I don't see any of that in your reply.

Sorry, I was talking about a YouTube video and I saved my comment here. I don't think they knew about ANTIFA.

Of course the Earth's climate is a million times more complex than a greenhouse. Yes, human activity accounts for a tiny part of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but here's a good analogy: Let's say you start with a glass of water that's half full. Then you add a teaspoon of water to represent the CO2 released by nature through the decay of organic matter. And then remove a teaspoon of water to represent the CO2 absorbed by oceans, trees, etc. You can repeat this many times and the water level will stay roughly unchanged. But then say you start adding a drop more than a teaspoon, and start removing a drop less than a teaspoon. The drops (+ and -) correspond to how much human activity adds CO2 to the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels, and reduces the CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere due to the cutting down of trees. The water leveI will rise slowly until eventually the glass overflows. It adds up.

The sun's energy (insolation), volcanoes, and greenhouse gases are the main factors in forcing climate changes. It's not just one or the other. All three are constantly in play, changing and interacting over time. It's just a question of how much of each factor is involved. For example, if the Earth's orbit moves it further from the sun, the loss of insolation might force a climate change, resulting in an ice age. CO2 levels and volcanic activity, even if very high, have little effect because the loss of insolation is overpowering.

The current warming period is marked by low insolation and volcanic activity, but with atmospheric CO2 rising to levels unseen in 1000's of years. This CO2 retains some of the sun's heat radiating off the Earth's surface and so it affects global surface temps. AGW started around 1950 and it's been rising steadily since then. In the 1980's, AGW had risen high enough to affect the Earth's climate, a process that's continuing to worsen. That's why the term "climate change" came into vogue. It's a different meaning, but it's often used interchangeably with AGW.

This video will get you headed down the path to seeing the un-redacted data.


I have viewed this video before and left some comments on it. It's one of many disinformation videos, imo. I include GWPF, Tony Heller, Sky News Australia, Heartland Institute, Independent Institute, Friends of Science, among many others, in that group. Some are in the pockets of the fossil fuel interests.

The actual data is usually accurate, but the conclusions drawn from the data are misleading and even absurd. Tony creates disinformation and propaganda through lies of omission and logical fallacies. Here's an example from video, "My Gift to the Climate Alarmists." The video shows (6:45) a chart of the number of 90+ deg days at Waverly, Ohio from about 1900 to present. First of all, climate change pertains to the average surface temps of the entire globe, not just one city, region, or even country. So right off the bat, this whole section is local weather and is not relevant to human-induced climate change. Second, human-induced climate change was insignificant until about 1950. So it's relevant in the period from 1950 to present. Any climate changes, severe weather events, natural disasters, etc that occurred before 1950 were naturally caused and not relevant. But, Tony claims that climate scientists were trying to hide the heat waves of the 1920-1940 period in the US because temps were higher than present day. No one was trying to hide anything. Even though temps were higher than today, they were naturally caused, were local weather, and occurred before 1950, so they were irrelevant in three ways.

Again, human-induced climate change affects the entire globe from 1950 to present, and warming surface temps are disrupting the jet stream and ocean currents, which is leading to erratic and abnormal weather in different parts of the world. For example, it's causing record warm temps in the Arctic, record winters in the Eastern US, record drought in Africa, record wildfires in Australia, record rains in the Midwest US, and record typhoons in the Pacific region. The key word here is "record" or "abnormal." Of course, weather events, natural disasters, etc are still occurring naturally as well.

If everything about climate science is true(it isn't, its all based on projections with flawed input data) then there wouldn't need to be a "Union of Concerned Scientists" is the first thing I am going to say.

The truth is the truth and is reproduceable. Models that have flawed data inputs isn't truth, anyone can change the inputs and make the output be what they want.

You know what was big during my growing up? The "global ice age that was coming" despite, then it was "Y2K!!!!" then "Global Warming!!!!" now it is "Climate Change".

There are plenty of things I have read that disprove what is going on but it all has to be taken together.

Here is just one simple one

@truthforce writing

The climate setup: Pay more tax for your climate “sins”.

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